Cardio Flashcards
Revised Jones Major Criteria
Polyarthritis Pancarditis Subcut nodules Erythema marginatum Sydenham's Chorea
Revised Jones Minor Criteria
Prolonged PR interval
Cough (15%)
First dose hypo
HTN regimen <55
- Ace inhibitor
- +Ca blocker
- +Thiazide
- If K+ <4.5 add Spiro, if not up Thiazides
HTN regimen >55/Afro-Carribean
- Ca blocker
- +ACE inhibitor
- +Thiazide
- If K+ <4.5 add Spiro, if not up Thiazides
Antiarrhythmics by class + action
- Procainamide/Flecainide - Na blockade
- Beta blockers
- Amiodarone - K+ blockade
- Verapamil/Diltiazem - Ca2+ blockade
Amiodarone considerations
Long half life Dirty (CYP450 inh) Lots of side effects Proarrhythmic effect Thrombophlebitic (central vein)
Amiodarone SFx (x7)
Thyroid dysfunction Thrombophlebitis Bradycardia (QT elongation) Corneal deposits Pulmonary fibrosis Liver fibrosis Peripheral neuropathy
Post MI complications
Cardiogenic shock Cardiac arrest Heart failure Tachyarrhythmia Bradyarrhythmia Dressler's syndrome LV aneurysm LV wall rupture VSD Acute MR
Contraindications to statin use
Macrolide use
1st line: ACEi AND B Blockade (start one at a time)
2nd line: ARB/Aldosterone antagonist
3rd line: Cardiac resynchronisation therapy +- digoxin
Furosemide/Spiro for fluid overload
Influenza and pneumococcal vaccines advised
Drugs which improve mortality in stable HF
B Blockers
Hydralazine with nitrites
Signs of tricuspid regurg
Pulsatile hepatomegaly
Prominent JVP V waves
Left parasternal heave
Causes of tricuspid regurg
RV infarction
Pulmonary hypertension
Rheumatic heart disease
Infective endocarditis
Giant V waves on JVP
Tricuspid regurg
Absent A waves on JVP
Cannon A waves on JVP
Complete heart block/atrial flutter
Posteroinferior MI on ECG
ST elevation in 2,3,aVF
Dominant R waves in V1 and V2
3rd degree HB (right coronary supplies AV node)
Arrhythmia Ix?
12 lead ECG +- Holter
Major GI bleed in pt on Warfarin Rx
STOP warfarin
Vit K 5mg IV
Prothrombin complex
Restart warfarin once bleeding stops and INR <5
Acute pericarditis features
Chest pain (better when sitting forwards) Dry cough Fever Tachypnoea Tachycardia Pericardial rub Dyspnoea
Acute pericarditis Rx
NSAIDs +- Colchicine for idiopathic/viral cases
Mitral stenosis murmur
MDM at the apex.
Mitral stenosis commonest cause
Rheumatic heart disease
Mitral stenosis Cx
Tricuspid regurg murmur
PSM at left sternal edge 4th space
Tricuspid regurg common in?
IVDU -> tricuspid endocarditis
Most sensitive serum marker of anaphylaxis?
Serum tryptase
Most common ECG finding of PE
Sinus tachy
PE triad
Chest pain
PE commonest clinical signs
PE Ix/Rx
If Wells <4 then D-Dimer
If Wells >4 then CTPA
VQ scan done if pt cannot tolerate CTPA (/is allergic to contrast medium)
Most important RF for aortic dissection?
Classification system for aortic dissection
Stanford classification
Type A - Ascending (2/3)
Type B - Descending (1/3)
ST depression
300mg Aspirine
Ticagrelor (preferred to clopi now)
Eptifibatide (GP2bR antagonist)
MI secondary prevention medications (for all patients)
B blocker
ACE inhibitor
Diabetic BP targets
If end organ damage: <130/80
Otherwise: <140/80
First line antihypertensive in diabetics
ACEi (regardless of age or ethnicity) due to renoprotective effects
Type of NIV used in acute heart failure
Management options in acute heart failure
O2 Furosemide Opiates Vasodilators Inotropes CPAP Mechanical circulatory assistance e.g. LVAD
ECG changes in Wolf Parkinson White?
PR prolongation
Broad QRS complex with slurred ‘delta’ upstroke
If symptomatic (shock, MI, HF, syncope): Synchronised DC cardioversion If asymptomatic: Amiodarone, lidocaine or procainamide
Causes of QT prolongation?
Congenital causes
Drug causes: Amiodarone TCAs Class 1a antiarrhythmics SSRIs
Other causes Hypokalaemia Hypocalcaemia Hypomagnesaemia Hypothermia Acute MI Myocarditis
Coactation of the aorta Fx?
HF in infancy
Hypertension in adulthood
Radiofemoral delay
Mid systolic murmur loudest over back
Which cardiac enzyme is best when looking for re-infarction?
CK-MB as it takes 3-4 days to return to normal
How long does Troponin T take to return to normal levels?
10 days
ECG Fx of hypokalaemia
U waves (deflection after T wave) PR prolongation ST depression QT elongation Inverted/absent T waves
Which electrolyte abnormality would furosemide cause?
Poor prognostic factors in infective endocarditis?
Staph infection
Seronegative endocarditis
Valve prosthesis
Low complement levels
Causes of a raised BNP?
Heart failure CKD with eGFR<60 PE COPD Sepsis Other cardio stuff Diabetes
What is the mechanism of flash pulmonary oedema secondary to MI?
MI leads to acute MV regurg> backflow into LV and LA > pulmonary congestion > pulmonary oedema
AR murmur characteristics
Early diastolic Loudest on expiration Loudest over aorta Radiates to 4th space High pitched and blowing Also presents with collapsing pulse and displaced apex beat
How does bifascicular block appear on ECG?
When would you use the three-shock strategy?
In witnessed VF/pVT
Three features of autonomic neuropathy?
- Postural hypotension
- Loss of respiratory arrhythmia
- Erectile dysfunction
Causes of postural hypotension?
Autonomic failure - Diabetes, Parkinson’s/MSA
Drugs: Diuretics, SSRIs, anti-hypertensives, LevoDOPA
STEMI Rx guidelines?
- All patients receive Aspirin 300mg + Clopi/Ticagrelor (PY212i)
- All should go for PCI with unfractionated heparin
- Thrombolysis (tPA e.g. alteplase) if PCI not available
ECG findings in hypothermia?
J waves (weird bit after QRS) QT prolongation First degree HB
Which vein in the leg might you use for a venous cutdown, and what is its relation to the malleoli?
Long saphenous vein which passes anterior to the medial malleolus
NSTEMI Rx guidelines?
- Aspirin + Prasugel/Ticagrelor + Nitrates/Morphine for all.
- PCI + unfractionated Hep if possible.
2a. If not, Antithrombin e.g. Fondaparinux
What is the mechanism and site of action of thiazide diuretics?
Sodium reabsorption inhibitor at the proximal end of the DCT
Thiazide diuretic side effects?
Dehydration Hyponatraemia Hypokalaemia Hypercalcaemia Postural hypotension IGT
Which infective agents cause endocarditis, and in which groups?
S. aureus: COMMONEST cause, particularly seen in IVDUs.
Strep viridans is seen after dental procedures
Staph epidermis is seen after valve surgery
Coxiella is seen in farm workers (causes Q fever)
Streptococcus bovis is seen in colorectal cancer
How long should patients with provoked PEs be anticoagulated for?
3 months
What are the first two stages in management of a narrow complex SVT?
- Valsalva manouvre
2. IV Adenosine
Management of symptomatic bradycardia?
IV Atropine (up to 3mg)
Causes of constrictive pericarditis?
- TB (esp in developing world)
- CTDs e.g. scleroderma,
- Uraemia secondary to CKD
- Radiation
Features of constrictive pericarditis?
Raised JVP Peripheral oedema Bibasal crackles Dyspnoea Hepatomegaly Kussmaul's breathing Pericardial knock (Loud S3)
Which murmur is associated with collagen disorders?
Mitral regurg
Causes of mitral regurg?
- Acutely post MI
- MV prolapse
- Infective endocarditis
- Rheumatic fever
- Congenital
How long before surgery should Warfarin patients hold their medication?
5 days
Modified Duke major criteria
Positive serology:
2x consecutive positive cultures (Staph/strep)
Coxiella/Bartonella/chlamydia positive serology
Evidence of endocardial involvement:
Positive echocardiogram
New valvular regurgitation
Modified Duke minor criteria
Pre-existing heart condition or IVDU
Microbiological evidence which does not meet major criteria
Vascular signs (Major emboli, clubbing, splenomegaly Janeway lesions, splinter haemorrhages)
Immunological signs (Roth spots, Osler’s nodes, glomerulonephritis)
Fever >38.
Diagnostic requirements for IE
2x major criteria OR
5x minor criteria OR
1x major AND 3x minor OR
Pathological criteria positive (positive histology at autopsy or cardiac surgery)
Ix for suspected PE in CKD?
V/Q scan
Rate control in AF?
- B blocker
- Ca blocker
- Digoxin
Rhythm control in AF?
Dipyridamole MOA
Platelet inhibitor which works by phosphodiesterase
Dipyridamole use?
With aspirin after acute ischaemic stroke
Does zopiclone cause orthostatic hypotension?
What is the ALS procedure for VF/VT cardiac arrest?
30:2 with defibrillator charging
Shock at >150 joules every 2 minutes, with 1mg IV adrenaline given after the third shock then every 3-5 minutes after that.
How would you manage pulseless electrical activity?
1mg adrenaline ASAP as this is not a shockable rhythm.
Continue high quality CPR
What is Wellen’s syndrome?
Precordial ‘arrowhead”T wave inversion seen in acute ischaemia in underlying unstable angina
ECG features of posterior MI?
Tall R waves in V1 and V2
What is Eisenmenger’s syndrome and what is its management?
The reversal of a left-to-right shunt due to pulmonary hypertension.
Can only be managed with a heart-lung transplant.
PND is a sign of left or right sided HF?
What are the side effects of loop diuretics?
Hypokal/nat/cal/magnesaemia Ototoxicity Gout Renal impairment Hyperglycaemia