Cardio Flashcards
Position of the patient
45 degrees, expose the chest
And ask if they have any pain
General inspection
Bedside equipment
Comfortable at rest or SOB?
Splinter haemorrhages finger clubbing colour (hypoxia) temperature/sweaty Janeway lesions Oslers nodes Tar staining Xanthelasma Cap refill
Splinter hemorrhages suggestive of…
bacterial endocarditis (seen on nail bed)
Finger clubbing test
place nails of index fingers together
should see small window (Schamroth’s window)= normal
loss of window=abnormal
Finger clubbing suggestive of…
infective endocarditis
congenital cyanotic heart disease
Cool peripheries suggestive of…
poor cardiac output / hypovolaemia
Sweaty/clammy hands suggestive of…
acute coronary syndrome
Janeway lesions, what are they and what do they suggest?
Non tender maculopapular erythematous nodules
bacterial endocardities
Oslers nodes, what are they and what do they suggest?
Tender red nodules on finger pulps
infective endocarditis
raised yellow lesions tend to be on wrist
What pulses do you feel?
Radial pulse Radio-radial delay Collapsing pulse (check BP here) carotid pulse
What do you assess when feeling a pulse?
Rate, rhythm, volume and character
Radio-radial delay?
Aortic coarctation
Collapsing pulse?
Check the patient has no pain in shoulder before performing!!!!
Physiological in fever and pregnancy
Pathological causes of collapsing pulse?
Pathological: aortic regurg, patent ductus arteriosis, anaemia or thyrotoxicosis
Carotid pulse
Auscultate for bruit first!! As palpation could dislodge emobli or thrombus > stroke
How to measure JVP?
cm from sternal angle to upper border of pulsation
What causes raised JVP?
fluid overload
Tricuspid regurg
Eye signs and what they mean.
Conjunctival pallor > anaemia
Corneal arcus- yellow/greyish ring surrounding the iris > hypercholesterolaemia
Xanthelasma- yellow nodules surrounding eyes> hypercholesterolaemia
Mouth signs
Central cyanosis
Angular stomatitis > iron deficiency
high arched palate
dental hygiene