Cardio 2 Flashcards
What is the difference betweenmyogenic and neurogenic hearts?
Neurogenic hearts need neural input to beat, while myogenic hearts contain cells with the intrinsic capability to beat
Membrane potential of pace maker cells occurs due to…
increase flow of Na, decreased outward flow of K and increased flow of Ca; an action potential is produced when the L-type channels open at threshold; the large influx of Ca causes rapid depol
How is the signal in the heart propagated past the electrically non-conductive fibrous tissue?
through the AV node
SA node contains the pace maker cells; if tehy died, other cells would take over
What does the PR segment show?
AV nodal delay
What does the S-T segment show?
Plateau phase
What does the T-P segment show?
Passive ventricular filling while all chambers are at rest
What is the equation for mean arterial pressure?
systolic pressure + 1/3 (systolic-diastolic pressure) or cardiac output X total peripheral resistance
Cardiac output equation
heart rate X stroke volume
How can teh flow resistance be altered?
By chaning arterial radius but contraction or relaxation of smooth muscles
What are the mechanisms that regulate arterial blood pressure?
ANS, autoregulation, hormonal/humoral
What are the major resistance vessels and why?
Arterioles and because they have a small diameter to offer considerable resistance
Major pressure drop going from arteries to arterioles
where are pulsatile pressure swings eliminated and why?
in the artieroles and because they have a much lower pressure
remember that the arterioles have thick layers of smooth muscle cells innervated by SYMPATHETIC nerve fibres
Where is autoregulation most important?
Brain, heart, kidney
What is extrinsic control of the blood flow?
neurol and hormonal infleunces with the sympathetic NS dominating
Sympathetic stimulation resdistributes teh flow of blood to heart and skeletal muscle by:
Releasing NE or Epinephrine which bind to alpha1-andrenic receptors on most arterioles causing vasconstriction; the lungs and brain do not contain these receptors thus they do not constrict; epinephrine activates beta2-andregenic receptors which causes vasodilation in the heart and skeletal muscles
Sympathetic NS constricts veins, enhancing venous return which increased end diastolic volume; more blood is pushed out of the ventricles and therefore stroke volume increases, so cardiac output increases
What do baroreceptors do?
Sense a stretch in artery walls during systole; they release action potentials in increasing frequency of pulses the higher MAP is
Where is renin released, and what stimulates it?
Released by the kidneys, due to sympathetic system, hypotension, and decreased sodium delivery
What is tehend goal of ANG II and Renin cycle?
To increase arterial pressure
Renin and angiotensin combine to form angiotensin I due to sympathetic stimulation, hypotension; and sodium delivery; this leads to an increase of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex which will cause renal sodium and fluid retention which increases blood volume (as does thirst) which will lead to higher cardiac output’ along with systemic vasoconstriction, cardiac output will cause an increase in arterial pressure