Cardiac Imaging Flashcards
Quality Control of Film
- Position2. Inspiration3. Exposure
Location of Diaphragm
9th-10th Posterior Aspect of Ribs5th-6th Anterior Aspect of Ribs
Differentiate Under and Overexposure
Under: WhiterOver: Darker
Heart in: LeftApex Points: Left
Heart in: RightApex Points: Right
Heart in: MidlineApex Points: Down
Dextroposition (Dextroversion)
Heart in: RightApex Points: Left
Situs Solitus
Atrium: RA is to the right of LAGastric Air Bubble: LeftLiver: Right
Situs Inversus
Atrium: RA is to the left of LAGastric Air Bubble: RightLiver: Left
Situs Ambiguous
Not possible due to paucity of anatomic markersLiver and Spleen are unidentifiable
Cardio-Thoracic Ratio
Widest transverse diameter of heart by widest transverse diameter of thorax taken at inner side of rib cage
Normal CT in Adults
0.5 or Less
Normal CT in Newborn
Normal CT ratio for Children
Between 0.5 - 0.65
Vessel diameter larger than bronchioles
HypovascularityCould be confused with what kind of film?
Vessels are smaller than the bronchiolesOverexposed films
Kerley’s B Lines
Horizontal lines in periphery but they should be avascular
Perihalar Haziness
Fuzzy and blurred image, whereas they should be distinct
Peribronchial CuffingThis is a sign of?
Thick bronchioles (Normal is hair-strand thick)Sign of pulmonary congestion
Signs of Interstitial Edema
Kerley’s A Lines: Diagonal Lines usually in Upper Lobe
Kerley’s B Lines: Horizontal LinesKerley’s C Lines: Tangled with cobweb appearance
Pulmonary Hila As Landmark (2)
Pulmonary Arteries
Pulmonary Veins
[Contrast Studies] Color?
Arteries and Veins
Air-filled Structures
A and V: White
Air-Filled: Black
[Lateral View]
Border-forming Structures (3)
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Right Ventricle
[CT Scan Imaging] Colors
Air-Filled Structures
Soft Tissues
B: White
A: Black
ST: Gray
Signs of Right Atrial Enlargement
Lateral Bulging
Signs of Right Ventricular Enlargement (Budding Breast) [3]
Uplifting and Lateral Displacement of Apex
Retrosternal Fullness
Signs of Left Atrial Enlargement
Double Density on Right Border
Enlargement of LA Appendage
Uplifting of Left Mainstem Bronchus
Widening of Carinal Angle
Signs of Left Ventricular Enlargement (Sagging Breast or Heavy Heart)
Lateral and Inferior Displacement of Apex
Posterior Displacement of the Posteroinferior Border of the Heart
Hoffman-Rigler Sign
Retrocardiac Fullness
Underexposure May Mimic (2)
Pulmonary Edema
Pulmonary Congestion
Signs of Venous Congestion (3)
Increased caliber of vessels
Cephalization of pulmonary blood flow
Normal tapering from medial to lateral
PA Projection Right Side (3)
Superior Vena Cava
Right Atrium
Inferior Vena Cava
PA Projection Left Side (3)
Aortic Knob
Main Pulmonary Trunk
Left Ventricle