Cardiac Flashcards
stages of hypoplastic left heart surgery
- Norwood with Blalock-Taussig shunt or Sano (modification of Norwood) 2. Bi-directional Glenn 3. Fontan
goal: all systemic flow from RV - neoaorta constructed via side-to-side anastomosis of MPA and hypoplastic aorta - Blalock-Taussig shunt to divert some flow to lungs (systemic-pulmonary shunt)
Blalock-Taussig shunt
synthetic graft from Right Subclavian Artery to Right Pulmonary Artery
Sano shunt
Right Ventricle –> Right Pulmonary Artery
Bi-directional Glenn
SVC –> RPA (bi-directional because RPA left open to allow blood to flow into both lungs
RA -or- IVC –> PA All blood flow bypasses lungs
MC location for angiosarcoma
Right atrium
Normal MV area
4-6 cm^2
Moderate MV stenosis
1 - 1.5 cm^2
MC locations of cardiac lipomas
atrial septum > right atrium > LV
Blalock-Hanlon procedure
- removal of Atrial septum - used in complete Transposition
normal aortic valve area
> 2.0 cm^2
signs of high risk plaque on CTA
- stenosis > 50% - positive remodeling - napkin ring sign - spotty calcifications - low attenuation plaque

napkin ring sign (high risk plaque)

thebesian valve
(@ junction of coronary sinus and RA)
what marks junction of coronary sinus and great cardiac vein?
valve of Vieussens
what is remnant of left SVC?
ligament of Marshall
what is location of ligament of Marshall?
left atrium and left superior pulmonary vein
LV papillary muscles
anterior and posterior
coronary artery anomalies are associated with
- Trisomy 18
- Klinefelter’s
- Bland-White-Garland
situs inversus incompletus
levocardia + right-sided stomach
situs inversus totalis
dextrocardia + right-sided stomach
Kartagener’s triad
- sinusitis
- bronchiectasis
- situs inversus
papillary muscle rupture time point
2-7 days post-MI
giant coronary artery aneurysm size in Kawasaki’s
8 mm
horseshoe lung is associated with what?
scimitar syndrome
Heyde syndrome
aortic valve stenosis + colonic angiodysplasia
how thick is LV wall in HCM?
> 15 mm

MC location for LV aneurysm
anterior-lateral wall
MC location for LV pseudoaneurysm
posterior-lateral wall
DDx Newborn CHF
- TAPVR (type 3 - infracardiac)
- congential aortic or mitral valve stenosis
- left hypoplastic heart
- cor triatriatum
- pre-ductal (infantile) coarctation

moderator band
what are the 2 papillary muscles of the LV?
- anterolateral
- posteromedial
which artery supplies the posteromedial papillary muscle?
which arteries supplies the anterolateral papillary muscle?
LCx and LAD

right atrial appendage

interatrial septum
which vein courses with PDA in the posterior IV groove?
middle cardiac vein

membranous septum

ligament of Marshall
ligament of Marshall is anatomically positioned where?
between LA appendage ostium and superior pulmonary vein
severely decreased EF
< 35 %
metoprolol acts on which beta receptor
Bernoulli equation
pressure gradient = 4(vmax^2)
severe aortic stenosis pressure gradient
> 40 mmHg
severe aortic stenosis velocity
> 4.0 m/s
severe aortic insufficiency regurgitant volume
60 ml
severe aortic insuff regurgitant fraction
> 50%
2 sets of images produced during phase contrast cardiac MR
- magnitude
- phase velocity map
sinus venosus ASD association
right upper lobe PAPVR
unroofed coronary sinus association
left SVC

unroofed coronary sinus

sinus venosus ASD
ideal position of IABP
2-3 cm distal to left subclavian origin

SA nodal artery (courses posteriorly)
1st branch off RCA and direction/course
conus, courses anteriorly to pulmonary outflow tract
crista supraventricularis is also called?
located in which cardiac chamber?
separates what from what
ventriculoinfundibular fold
right ventricle
tricuspid from pulmonic valve
at what % myocardial involvement in infarct is considered unlikely to recover function?