(CAR) EDS - Randomn Flashcards
Astronauts cannot talk to each other on the surface of the moon coz
Sound waves cannot travel through vaccum
____ is the instrument that determines specific gravity of liquids
Convex lenses are used for the correction of
A transformer is used for
Increase or Decrease AC voltage
The Stones formed in Human Kidney consists mostly of
Calcium oxalate
Most of the explosions in mines occur due to the mixing og
Methane with Air
The blood glucose level is commonly expressed as
Milligram per decilitre
When a CD is seen in sunlight, rainbow like colours are seen. This can be explained on the basis of phenomenan of
Reflection and Diffraction
Ia a U-238 nucleus splits in two identical parts, the two nuclie so produced will be
_____ type of radiation is absorbed by the upper layer of the atmosphere
After long periods of use, a gray spot develops on the inside of a bulb. this is coz
The tungsten filament evaporates and collects here
Approxi, how many times each day do our heart valves open and close normally?
100,000 times
A nuclear reactor harnesses nuclear energy by?
Controlled chain reaction
_____, a raw material, is used in the manufacture of foam used in mattresses, cushions, etc
Permanent magnet can be made from
Atmospheric pressure exerted on the earth is due to the
Gravitational Pull
Quantity of fresh air required for a man is
1000 cubic feet of air for every 20 mins
Oxygen comes from
_____ metal pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles
The snow on the mountains does not melt all at once when it is heated b the sun because
It reflects most of the heat from the sun
In_____ the blood formed in the human body.
Bone Marrow
the smallest of the matter is
Trachoma is a disease of
eye. (Trachoma is an infectious disease caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection causes a roughening of the inner surface of the eyelids.)
Sodium depletion occurs in excessive sweating, and cannot be corrected by drinking water alone. when corrected it may lead to
- Muscle Cramps
- Loss of energy
- Fatigue and Faintness
The heart of a normal adult human being weighs about
300 grams
The part of the body directly affected by pneumonia is
Respiratory system
Haemoglobin in the blood is a complex protien rich in
Amino Acids are a product of the digestion of
____ food provide the largest number of Kcal of energy
Avg life of a red blood cell
120 days
The amount of Haemoglobin presend in blood is about ____. what % is considered as normal
- 15gm per 100ml
- over 90 %
Other name of Vitamin C
Ascorbic Acid
Barometer invented by
Evangelista Torricelli
Telescope invented by
Aeroplane invented by
The Wright brothers had invented the first successful airplane.
(On December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk with their first powered aircraft.)
Helicopter invented by
Louis Charles Breguet was a French aircraft designer and builder, one of the early aviation pioneers.
Barthélemy Thimonnier?
Barthélemy Thimonnier, was a French inventor, who is attributed with the invention of the first sewing machine that replicated sewing by hand
Earth’s crust have the abundant reserves of
Silicon, Oxygen and Aluminium
Pure gold is
24 carat
One horse power is equal to
746 watts
Dynamo is a device that converts
Mechanical energy into electrical energy
Total internal reflection occurs when light travels from
A denser medium to a rarer medium
Heat from the sun is recieved by the earth through
_____ element is excesively used in electronics
Which one of the following elements is extensively used in electronics
Acetylene and Oxygen
Largest in the human body
Nerve Cell.
(A neuron (also known as a neurone or nerve cell) is a cell that carries electrical impulses. Neurons are the basic units of the nervous system and its most important part is the brain.)
A thermostat is
A device used to maintain a constant temperature of a water bath or an oven
The time interval b/w two beats of a normal human heart is
1 Sec
Nitrogen is prepared in the laboratory by heating
the mixture of almunium chloride and sodium nitrate
The material used for bleaching paper pulo is