Capillary/ Venous malformation Flashcards
■ CVMs are deep vascular mal ormations characterized by so t, compressible deep-tissue swelling. Lesions are not apparent at birth but become so during childhood.
■ They mani est as so t-tissue swelling, dome-shaped or multinodular (Fig. 9-28), and are slow-f ow lesions. When vascular mal ormation extends to the epidermis, the sur ace may be verrucous. Bor- dersarepoorlyde ned,andthereisconsiderablevariationinsize.Oten,CVMsarenormalskincolor, with the nodular portion blue to purple.They are easily compressed and ll promptly when pressure is released. Some types may be tender, and they may be associated with CMs.
■ CVMs may be complicated by ulceration and bleeding, scarring, and secondary in ection; and, with largelesions,byhigh-outputheart ailure.
■ CVMs may inter ere with ood intake or breathing and, i located on the eyelids or in the vicinity o the eyes, will obstruct vision and may lead to blindness.
■ There is no satis actory treatment except compression. In larger lesions—i organ unction is compromised—surgical procedures and intravascular coagulation should be per ormed. High-dose systemicglucocorticoidsorIFN-αorpropranololmaybee ective.