Canopy Management Flashcards
Aims of Canopy management
- Maximise the effectiveness of light interception by the vine canopy
- Reduce the shade within the canopy
- Ensure that the microclimate for the grapes is as uniform as possible so that grapes ripen evenly
- Promote balance between the vegetative and reproductive functions of the vine
- Arrange the vine canopy to ease mechanisation and/or manual labour
- Promote air circulation through the canopy to reduce incidence of disease.
Purpose of maximising leaf surface area exposed to sunlight.
- Increases the vine’s photosynthetic capacity
- Increases the vine’s ability to ripen larger yields
Problems associated with dense canopies.
Poor air circulation
Higher humidity within the canopy
Suitable conditions for fungal diseases to develop
Fungicides will have less penetration into the canopy
Seven effects of good canopy management on grape quality due to increased exposure to sun and heat.
- Increased sugar levels
- Increased tannin levels and riper tannins in grape skins (polymerisation of tannins = less bitter)
- Enhanced colour in black grape skins (anthocyanins)
- Decreased malic acid (warmer temperatures lead to more malic acid being broken down in cellular respiration)
- Increased levels of favourable aroma precursors (Terpenes)
- Decreased methoxypyrazines
- Reduction of fungal disease pressure
Five factors that determine the ideal amount of fruit.
- Climate
- Water and nutrients
- Grape variety
- Choice of rootstock
- Desired wine style
At what stage of the annual vineyard activities can the number of shoots on a vine be controlled?
Winter pruning
Summer pruning
Define yeald
A measure of the amount of fruit produced. Either presented as weight per vine (kg/vine) or weight per unit of area. (tonnes/hectare).
6 main canopy management techniques:
- Site assessment to determine the ideal grape variety, rootstock vigour, planting density and row orientation
- Vine training
- Winter pruning
- Vine trellising
- Overall plant vigour management (nitrogen fertilisation, irrigation, cover cropping etc.)
- Summer pruning
What vineyard operations are performed during Summer Pruning?
- shoot removal
- shoot positioning
- pinching
- shoot trimming
- leaf removal
- crop thinning/green harvesting
How would one plant vines that are high in vigour?
- Will need greater within-row spacing to grow and be in balance
- Planting these vines too close together could lead to overlapping canopies and increased shading, reducing ripeness and quality.
How would one plant vines in dry regions without irrigation?
Low density so that the roots can spread out, without competition, in search for as much water as possible.
General rule of between-row spacing?
Vine rows should be planted far enough apart so that one row does not shade the next.
The width of any machinery that might be used must also be considered
What orientation generally provides the most even sunlight exposure through the canopy?
Conditions in the afternoon are usually warmer than those in the morning so what might a grape grower do with north-south orientation rows?
Grape bunches on the west side of the canopy (which are exposed to the afternoon sun) may require more shading from leaves to protect them from sunburn.
What effect does prevailing winds have on row orientation?
Grape growers may choose to orient the rows at a 90° angle to the direction of the wind to provide most protection from it.
What is Vine Training?
Typically refers to the shape of the permanent wood of the vine.
Two main categories of vine training?
- head training
- cordon training
Describe low-training of a vine.
- The vine trunk is short
- Benefit from heat retained by the soil
- Provide greater protection from wind
Describe high training of a vine.
- The vine trunk is long
- Better avoid frosts
- Make manual interventions (e.g. harvesting) easier
Describe Head Training.
- These vines have relatively little permanent wood.
- The permanent wood usually consists of the trunk and head of the trunk.
- They can either be spur-pruned or replacement cane-pruned.
Describe Cordon Training.
- These vines typically have a trunk and one or more permanent horizontal arms of permanent wood, typically called ‘cordons’.
- They are usually spur-pruned.
- Cordon training takes longer to establish than head training due to the amount of permanent wood.
Define winter pruning.
The removal of unwanted parts of the vine in winter to determine the number and location of buds that will form.
Describe spur pruning.
- Spurs are short sections of one-year-old wood that have been cut back to only two or three buds.
- Spurs can either be distributed along a cordon (cordon training) or around the top of the trunk (head training).
Define and describe “canes”.
- Canes are longer sections of one-year-old wood and can have anything between 8 and 20 buds.
- They are typically laid down horizontally and need tying to a trellis for support and positioning.
Define and describe trellising.
- Permanent structures of posts and wires that help to support and position the vine’s shoots
- Vine’s tendrils will naturally curl around the trellis wires and help keep the canopy in place.
- The grape grower will also tie in branches and shoots to the trellis as necessary.
Define bush vines.
No trellising
Climate where bush vines are popular and why?
Hot and sunny regions
Dry conditions
The shade created is beneficial to avoid sunburn
Dry conditions inhibit disease in a potentially humid fruiting zone
Advantages and disadvantages of trellised training systems?
- Maximise light interception
- Increase air flow through the canopy (reducing risk of fungal disease)
- Aids mechanisation, by positioning the fruit in one area
- expensive to establish and requires mantainance
Describe Vertical Shoot Positioning (VSP).
- The vine’s shoots are trained vertically and are held in place onto the trellis forming a single narrow canopy.
- Best suited to vines with low or moderate vigour.
Describe Guyot training.
Describe Guyot training.
- When VSP is used on replacement cane-pruned vines
- Single: one cane retained
- Double: two canes retained
Four split canopy systems.
- Geneva Double Curtain
- Lyre
- Scott-Henry
- Smart-Dyson
Three aims of summer pruning.
- Enhancing grape ripening
- Reducing chance of fungal disease
- Making the vineyard easier to manage.
Describe debudding.
AKA debudding
- Removal of excess buds
- manage vine balance and yields (quality, law)
- to remove buds that are poorly positioned (downward facing, close together)
- remove buds of non-fruit bearing shoots (competition)
Describe shoot removal.
- Removal of shoots, often laterals, that are infertile or poorly positioned (e.g. too close together or low down on the trunk)
- Help to maintain a well-organised, open canopy.
Describe shoot positioning.
The shoots are tucked into the trellis wires in an organised manner to better organise the canopy and facilitate mechanisation.
Describe pinching.
- Removes the shoot tips at flowering
- Improve fruit set.
Describe shoot trimming.
- Cutting shoots to limit growth and reduce canopy thickness
- Enhances fruit ripening by reducing competition for carbohydrates between the shoot tips and fruit
- Lowers disease pressure through better air circulation and improved spray penetration.
Describe leaf stripping.
- Removing leaves
- Reduce shading of fruit and hence enhance ripening
- Lower disease pressure through better air circulation and improved spray penetration.
Describe crop thinning or green harvesting.
- Removal of bunches of grapes
- Increase ripeness of those grapes left on the vine.
Timing of green harvesting.
- near véraison to enhance ripening.
- In cases where fruit ripening is uneven (e.g. because of uneven budburst, frost or the presence of bunches on lateral shoots), the least ripe bunches of grapes may be removed to improve uniformity of ripening.