CANMAT Comorbidity Guidelines Flashcards
why do we care about the presence of depression in the medically ill
depression is associated with increased morbidity, mortality and chronic disease burden in patients with medical disorders
what is the relationship between depression and medical illness
each has a negative impact on the onset, course, prognosis, and treatment of the other
depression increases the risk for what 6 medical illnesses
coronary artery disease/ischemic heart disease
ischemic stroke
alzheimer’s disease
diabetes mellitus type II
depression increases the risk of DM type II by how much
depression increases the risk of alzheimer’s by how much
2.1 fold
depression increases the risk of epilepsy by how much
depression increases the risk of CAD/ischemic heart disease/ischemic stroke by how much
1.5-2 fold
how do we hypothesize depression increases risk for medical illness
increases in:
HPA axis activity
sympathetic stimulation
pro-inflammatory cytokine levels
behaviours such as non-adherence to medical treatment regimens, neglect of self care, physical inactivity, poor diet and substance use
how do we think medical illness contributes to the risk of depression
direct physiological mechanisms –> ie brain injury and thyroid deficiency
stress related physiologic mechanisms (i.e increased HPA activation and immunologic system) associated with the physical condition or disability
psychosocial factors related to illness burden and disability
how does early childhood adversity (ACEs) affect risk of depression and medical illness in later life? how do we think this happens?
these individuals may have ENDURING immune and HPA axis abnormalities that confer vulnerability to both depression and medical illness
those who experience ACEs have higher risk of both depression and medical illness in later life
list three classes of medications used to treat medical illness that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of depression
cancer chemotherapeutic agents (including vincristine)
antihypertensives (reserpine, methyldopa, beta blockers)
are there differences in the clinical presentation and course of primary vs secondary depression
no not really
(thus wonder if secondary depression is really a distinct clinical entity)
what symptoms of depression are more common in MDD rather than medical illness/sickness syndrome
what is considered the most appropriate approach to diagnosing MDD in the medically ill
the “inclusive” approach wherein all depressive symptoms are counted irrespective of whether they are related to medical illness
(vs. the exclusive or other approaches)
*there is risk of depression overdiagnosis but this risk appears small compared to risk of underdiagnosis in the medically ill
how does the presence of both depression and medical illness affect immune markers comapred to those with medical illness and no depression
elevation in immune markers with both conditions, with higher immunological disturbance when both occur together
name a screening scale that was found to be helpful in screening for depression in the medically unwell
beck depression inventory for primary care
also PHQ9
name two ADs that are potent inhibitors of P-glycoprotein
why do we care?
sertraline and paroxetine are potent inhibitor of p-glycoprotein
p-glycoprotein is responsible for the efflux of several anticancer and cardiac meds like digoxin
name an AD that should not be used in cardiac patients due to its antiarrhythmic effects
what type of psychotherapy was found to be effective in treatment of depression post-MI