Bipolar I + II Disorders (DSM/PsychDB) + Trials Flashcards
what is the “main” part of bipolar I diagnosis
must meet criteria for a manic episode
criterion A for a manic episode
a DISTINCT period of abnormally and persistently ELEVATED, EXPANSIVE or IRRITABLE mood
abnormally and persistently INCREASED ACTIVITY or ENERGY
lasting at least ONE WEEK and present most of the day, nearly every day
(OR any duration if hospitalization is necessary)
criterion B for manic episode
during period of mood disturbance and increased energy or activity THREE OR MORE of the following symptoms are present to a SIGNIFICANT degree and represent a NOTICEABLE CHANGE from usual behaviour (FOUR if mood is only irritable)
- inflated self esteem or grandiosity
- decreased need for sleep (i.e feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep)
- more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
- flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
- distractibility (ie attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli) as reported or observed
- increase in goal oriented activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) OR psychomotor agitation (ie purposeless non goal directed activity)
- excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (i.e engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investments)
how many diagnostic features are listed in criterion B for mania
how many diagnostic features must be present from criterion B for mania
3 (4 if mood is only irritable)
how long must symptoms of mania persist to meet criteria
one week
criterion C for mania
mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to caused marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others
there are psychotic features
criterion D for mania
the episode is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition
what is the diagnosis for a full manic episode that emerges during antidepressant treatment (ie medication, ECT) but persists at a fully syndromal level beyond physiological effects of that treatment
this is sufficient evidence for a manic episode and therefore bipolar I diagnosis
how many manic episodes in patients lifetime are required for diagnosis of bipolar I disorder
at least one
criterion A for hypomanic episode
A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased activity or energy, lasting at least FOUR CONSECUTIVE days and present most of the day, nearly every day
criterion B for hypomanic episode
same as for mania
(3 of the 7 features–4 if irritable mood only)
criterion C for hypomania
the episode is associated with an UNEQUIVOCAL CHANGE in functioning that is UNCHARACTERISTIC of the individual when not symptomatic
criterion D for hypomania
the disturbance in mood and the change in functioning are OBSERVABLE by others
criterion E for hypomania
episode is NOT severe enough to caused marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to necessitate hospitalization
*If there are psychotic symptoms the episode is by definition manic
criterion F for hypomania
the episode is not attributable to physiological effects of med/substance/other tx or another medical condition
what if someone gets more irritable, edgy or agitated following antidepressant use? is that hypomania?
if criteria are met for hypomania even after removal of antidepressant (after the hypomania emerged with antidepressant use) then its hypomania
BUT be careful–> one or two symptoms, like agitation or irritability, are not taken as sufficient evidence of bipolar diathesis
do you get hypomania in bipolar I?
BUT not sufficient for diagnosis of bipolar I
what is the time criteria for hypomania
at least FOUR consecutive days
what symptom(s) are REQUIRED for a diagnosis of major depressive episode
(must have at least one of these)
–> in kids and teens mood can be irritable instead of depressed
how many diagnostic features are listed in criterion A for major depressive episode
how many symptoms must be present to meet criterion A for major depressive episode
at least 5
criterion A for major depressive episode
FIVE or more of the following sx have been present during the same 2 week period and represent a CHANGE from previous functioning
at least one must be either depressed moor or anhedonia
- DEPRESSED MOOD most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (i.e feels sad empty or hopeless) or observation made by others (i.e appears tearful)
–> in kids and teens mood can be IRRITABLE - markedly DIMINISHED INTEREST or PLEASURE in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (by subjective account or observation)
- significant WEIGHT LOSS when not dieting, or WEIGHT GAIN–> change of more than 5% body weight in a month–> OR decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day
- insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
- psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down)
- fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
- feelings of WORTHLESSNESS or excessive or inappropriate GUILT (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely self reproach or guilt about being sick)
- diminished ability to think or concentrate or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either subjective or objective)
- recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent SI without specific plan, or suicide attempt or specific plan for committing suicide
what is considered “significant weight change” per the DSM in the context of diagnostic features of major depressive episode
change of more than 5% of body weight in a month
what is a mnemonic for dx features of major depressive episode
appetite/weight loss or gain
psychomotor changes (slowing or agitation)
suicide/thought of death
criterion B for major depressive episode
symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning
criterion C for major depressive episode
episode not attributable to physiological effects of substance/med/tx or another medical condition
can you diagnose a major depressive episode during a period following a significant loss (i.e bereavement, financial ruin)
yes–> consider whether symptoms understandable/appropriate to loss or whether there is also a major depressive episode present in addition
what are the criteria for diagnosis of bipolar I disorder
A–> criteria have been met for at least one manic episode (per criteria A-D for manic episode)
B–> occurrence of the manic and major depressive episodes is not better explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorder, or other unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder
what terms are used to code bipolar I disorder in diagnosis
based on current severity and symptoms
mild, moderate, severe
with psychotic features
in partial remission
in full remission
current or most recent episode manic
current or most recent episode hypomanic
current or most recent episode depressed
current or most recent episode unspecified
how should coding terms be listed in the diagnostic recording of bipolar I disorder
bipolar I disorder–> type of current or most recent episode–> severity+ psychotic + remission specifiers–> as many specifiers without codes as apply to current or most recent episode
list the specifiers (without codes) that can be applied to a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder (there are 10)
with anxious distress
with mixed features
with rapid cycling
with melancholic features
with atypical features
with mood-CONGRUENT psychotic features
with mood-INCONGRUENT psychotic features
with catatonia
with peripartum onset
with seasonal pattern
how is the mood in a manic episode often described
euphoric, excessively cheerful, high or “feeling on top of the world”
can at times have such a highly infectious quality that it is easily recognized as excessive
may be characterized by UNLIMITED and HAPHAZARD enthusiasm for interpersonal, sexual or occupational interactions
what feature of mood may be present in mania/hypomania but is NOT one of the diagnostic criteria
(rapid shifts in mood over brief periods of time)
how might the “increased activity” of mania present
may engage in multiple, overlapping new projects
projects often initiated with LITTLE KNOWLEDGE of the topic
nothing seems out of the individuals reach
may manifest as UNUSUAL HOURS of the day
how might inflated self esteem present in an adult
range from uncritical self confidence to marked grandiosity
may reach delusional proportions
despite lack of any particular experience or talent, individual may embark on complex tasks such as writing a novel or seeking publicity for some impractical invention
how might inflated self esteem present in children? why can this be a bit harder to detect than in adults?
“In children, overestimation of abilities and belief that, for example, they are the best at a sport or the smartest in the class is NORMAL
… when such beliefs are present despite CLEAR EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY or the child attempts feats that are clearly DANGEROUS and, most important, represent a CHANGE from the child’s normal behavior, the grandiosity criterion should be considered satisfied.
what is one of the most common features of mania
decreased need for sleep
*often heralds onset of a manic episode
how does decreased need for sleep differ from insomnia
insomnia–> person wants to sleep or feels need to sleep but CANT
decreased need–> doesnt feel drive to sleep
how does decreased need for sleep differ from insomnia
insomnia–> person wants to sleep or feels need to sleep but CANT
decreased need–> doesnt feel drive to sleep
what is a mnemonic for mania/hypomania sx
Flight of ideas
Activity increase
Sleep deficiency
how might speech in bipolar I be described
difficult to interrupt
may talk continuously without regard for others wishes to communicate
often intrusive manner or without concern for relevance of what is said
how does flight of ideas present
nearly continuous flow of accelerate speech with abrupt SHIFTS from one topic to another
if severe–> speech may become disorganized, incoherent, particularly distressful to the individual
*reflects thought racing at rate faster than can be expressed through speech–> thoughts can be experienced as so crowded its even difficult to speak (criterion B4)
how might the increased activity criterion present in mania in adults?
“The increase in goal-directed activity often consists of excessive planning and participation in multiple activities, including sexual, occupational, political, or religious activities. Increased sexual drive, fantasies, and behavior are often present. Individuals in a manic episode usually show increased sociability (e.g., renewing old acquaintances or calling or contacting friends or even strangers), without regard to the intrusive, domineering, and demanding nature of these interactions. They often display psychomotor agitation or restlessness (i.e., purposeless activity) by pacing or by holding multiple conversations simultaneously.129Some individuals write excessive letters, e-mails, text messages, and so forth, on many different topics to friends, public figures, or the media.”
how might the increased activity criterion for mania present in kids/teens?
“The increased activity criterion can be difficult to ascertain in children; however, when the child takes on many tasks simultaneously, starts devising elaborate and unrealistic plans for projects, develops previously absent and developmentally inappropriate sexual preoccupations (not accounted for by sexual abuse or exposure to sexually explicit material), then Criterion B might be met based on clinical judgment. It is essential to determine whether the behavior represents a change from the child’s baseline behavior; occurs most of the day, nearly every day for the requisite time period; and occurs in temporal association with other symptoms of mania.”
for criteria for mania to be met, the person must have marked impairment in social or occupational functioning, require hospitalization OR what other feature to meet criterion C
psychotic features by definition satisfies this criteria
list medications/treatments that may induce symptoms of mania
how are insight and judgment typically affected during manic episodes
typically impaired/poor
list some features supporting diagnosis of bipolar I but that are not explicitly in the dx criteria
patients often do not perceive they are ill or in need of treatment-> may vehemently resist same
may change makeup, personal dress, appearance to be more sexually suggestive or flamboyant
some may perceive sharper sense of smell, taste, hearing, vision
gambling and antisocial behaviours may be present
may become hostile and physically threatening to others
moods may shift quickly
what is the estimated 12 month prevalence of bipolar I in the USA
what is the lifetime male:female ratio for bipolar I
about equal
what is the mean age at onset of the first mood episode (either hypomanic, manic or depressive) in bipolar I disorder
18 years
*onset occur throughout the lifecyle, with first onsets in the age 60s or 70s
what should you rule out/consider if someone presents with first onset of manic symptoms in late mid-life or late life?
consider medical conditions i.e frontotemporal NCD and of substance ingestion/withdrawal
what % of people who have a single manic episode go on to have recurrent mood episodes
more than 90%
what % of manic episodes occur immediately before a major depressive episode
about 60%
how do you meet criteria for the “rapid cycling” specifier
4 or more mood episodes (depressive, hypomanic or manic) within one year
is bipolar disorder more common in high income or low income countries
more common in HIGH income countries (1.4% vs 0.7%)
list environmental risk factors for bipolar disorder
high income country
separated, divorced or widowed individual (compared to those who are married or who have never been married)
what is one of the strongest and most consistent risk factors for bipolar disorder
family history of bipolar disorder
what is the increased risk of bipolar disorder in adult relatives of those with bipolar I or II disorders?
average 10-fold increased risk
–> magnitude of risk increases with degree of kinship
bipolar disorder likely shares a genetic origin with what other psychiatric condition
–> reflected in familial co-aggregation of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders
incomplete inter-episode recovery in bipolar disorder is more likely to happen if the patient has what symptoms? (its a specifier)
mood INCONGRUENT psychotic features
what population in the USA had significantly lower 12 month prevalence of bipolar I disorder compared to african americans or whites
are females or males more likely to experience rapid cycling
females with bipolar disorder are more likely to be comorbid with which disorders compared to men
higher rates of lifetime eating disorders compared to men
more likely to experience depressive symptoms than males
higher lifetime risk of AUD compared to men (and also compared to the general population)
by how much is suicide risk increased in those with bipolar disorder compared to the general population
15x lifetime risk compared to general population
bipolar disorder may account for what % of all completed suicides
25% (1/4)
what two features are associated with greater risk of suicide attempt or completion in those with bipolar disorder
past history of suicide attempt
% days spent depressed in the past year
what % of those with bipolar disorder show severe impairment in work role function between episodes (vs those that recover fully between episodes)