Cancer Therapy Flashcards
- Breast Cancer
- selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)
- prodrug
- MOA: mixed estrogenic & anti-estrogenic activity at estrogen receptors (ER)
- breast-located ER: predominantly anti-estrogenic effects / blocks Estrogen-R. → reduced transcription of ER responsive genes → weniger Zellteilungsaktivität im Bestrogen-abhängigen Gewebe
- Problem: first CYP3A4, then CYP2D6 abhängig zum aktiven Metabolit: 2D6-Polymorphisms!
PI3-Kinase Inhibitors
Targeted Therapy in Cancer
Phosphoinositide 3 kinases (PI3Ks):
intracellular signal transducer enzymes = Schlüsselenzym des PI3K/AKT/mTOR-Signalwegs,
crucial for the regulation of cellular growth, differentiation, and survival
- verwickelt in the sensitivity of cancer cells to insulin, IGF-1 and calorie restriction
PI3K: mutated in many cancers → PI3K activity significantly contributes to cancer development & progression
Immune Checkpoints Antibodies
Immunotherapy in Cancer
idea: antibodies bind to tumor antigens = marking the cancer cells for the immune system to kill
- monoclonal antibodies against CD52, CD20, immune checkpoints
(blockade of negative feedback signalling to immune cells → enhanced immune response against tumor cells)
- CTLA-4-Inhibitoren (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4))
- PD-1-Inhibitoren (programmed cell death 1 protein (PD-1))
- PD-L1-Inhibitoren (PD-1 ligand (= PD-L1))