cancer notes-- patho Flashcards
malignant growth
cancer cells invades adjacent tissues and travels in lymphatic system and bloodstream
benign growth
do not invade other tissues, more closely resemble cell of origin
etiology of cancer: genetic basis
cancer is a disease caused by a small number of mutations in a single cell
minimum number of mutations is ___ for cancer
tumors of epithelial origin
malignant cancers of bones, nerves, muscles
malignant growths of WBC’s, only in blood
cancer of WBC’s and lymph tissue, usually start in lymph
cancers of ductal or glandular tissue
tumor suppressor genes
inhibit tumor formation and cell proliferation, usually function to switch off cell division
there are ___ genes in each pair of tumor suppressor genes
one gene in each pair of tumor suppressor genes can be absent or damaged, loss of the second gene leads to ________ division.
chromosome 17; tumor suppressor gene that is autosomal dominant inheritance , 85% of women with mutation will develop breast cancer, also increased risk for ovarian cancer
chromosome 13, accounts for 10-15% of all breast cancer cases
normally act to turn on or maintain cell division
tumor causing genes that increase rate of cell proliferation
how do oncogenes increase the rate of cell proliferation?
they become permanently active or overproduce their products with mutations and disrupt intracellular communication pathways that regulate cell proliferation.
oncogene activation
virus or retirovirus, has a mutagenic effect= changes structure and function
cellular effects of oncogene
promote cell proliferation, growth factor, second messengers, abnormal gene transcription begins
caretaker genes
genes responsible for dna repair, mutation does not directly lead to tumor formation, increases mutation rate of all genes, does not lead directly to formation of cancer
pathogenesis of cancer
initiation– genetic mutation, carcinogen applied to cell. If no repair before cell division= cells are damaged
mutant cell induced to proliferate, reversible proliferation of altered initiated cells, promoting factors in proliferation
cells acquire properties that allow mallignant behavior
progression properties
-increased growth rate and invasiveness of tumor
-tumors produce own growth factor
-lack contact inhibition
-able to metastasize
ability to spread to distant parts of the body, spread through blood or lymph pathways. Seeding is needed to kill all cells. Characteristics of primary site are retained
grading of cancer
microscopic anatomy (what cell looks like), number system is used
location and pattern of spread
TNM classification
T describes the size of the tumor and any spread of cancer into nearby tissue; N describes spread of cancer to nearby lymph nodes; and M describes metastasis (spread of cancer to other parts of the body).
anatomical site classification–skin and glands
anatomical site classification– connective tissue, muscle, bone, fat
warning signs of effect of cancer on host
change in bowel or bladder habits, a sore throat that does not heal, unusual bleeding or discharge from any body orifice, thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere, indigestion or difficulty swallowing, obvious change in a wart or mole, nagging cough or hoarseness
late signs of effect of cancer on host
pain, weight loss and weakness, bone marrow suppression (anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia), loss of function of involved organ, obstruction, deficits in immune system competence
tumor markers are
produced by cancer cells, presence may indicate possibility of cancer
Carcinoembryonic antigen
CEA, colorectal or breast cancer
testicular, liver cancer
human chorionic gonadotropin
HCG, testicular