Can I Get 30%? Flashcards
This is the first step in the PDES, convened to conduct a thorough and expeditious evaluation of a member whose fitness for duty is questionable.
Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
This is a standing administrative board located at CGPC and convened by precept of the Commander CGPC, to evaluate MEDs as well as periodic evaluation of members on TDRL.
Informal Physical Evaluation Board (IPEB)
This board meets to evaluate the case of an evaluee who has exercised their right to demand a formal hearing subsequent to the evaluation by the IPEB, or if the IPEB could not unanimously agree
Formal Physical Evaluation Board (FPEB)
Who can convene a formal board?
When authorized by Command, CGPC, commanders or maintenance and logistics commands, district commanders and commanding officers of certain units may convene a formal board.
What does a Physical Review Council do?
PRCs review IPEBs and FPEBs in which evaluees rebut the findings or recommended disposition
The final component in the system established for the purpose of reviewing disability evaluation cases forwarded by the PRC.
Physical Disability Appeal Board (PDAB)
Who is responsible for having the evaluee sign the CG-4920?
Commanding Officers
What is the CG-4920
Evaluees Statement Regarding the Findings of the Medical Board Report
When is the CG-4920 not required?
If the MED is completed in and Army or Air Force facility
What should be done if a member refuses to sign the CG-4920
Indicate with a statement to this effect
What is the CG-5684
Medical Board Report Cover Sheet (updated 5/20)
Who completes section A of the CG-5684
Convening Authority: receives the record, properly endorsed, including the evaluee’s statement at Commander CGPC-adm-1
Who completes section B of the CG-5684
Medical Unit
How many diagnoses can be on the CG-5684
8 (5/20 version. 6 prior versions)
Who can initiate a MEB?
Commanding Officer, Medical Officer or higher authority - Commandant, Area Commanders, District Commanders, Maintenance and Logistic Commanders, Sector Commanders
An evaluee has __ to respond to the IPEB findings and recommendations?
NLT 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of notification of findings
An evaluee has __ to submit a rebuttal to the President FPEB?
Not more than 21 calendar days from the date of receipt
If the PRC does not approve the findings and recommendations of the IPEB or FPEB, substitute findings will be sent to the evaluee who will have __ to rebut or appeal the substitute findings.
21 calendar days
When must a flight surgeon be on a MEB?
When the evaluee is an aviator or in an aviation rating
What manual references waiverable conditions?
CIM 6000.1(series) MedMan
How many and what type of medical officers must conduct a mental competency assessment for patients presenting with mental disorders?
3 MOs. 1 shall be a board-certified psychiatrist
How many situations require convening of a MEB?
How long can someone be hospitalized before requiring a MEB?
60 continuous days or intermittent admission to an inpatient facility for the same diagnosis for 60 out of any 90 consecutive days
How many visits for the same diagnosis can a member exhaust until initiating a MEB?
> 30 in 1 year
How many copies are prepared of a MEB?
An original and five copies. Original and 2 copies > PSC & ADM 1 copy > Member 1 copy > Med Record 1 copy > Convening Authority
What form is used for the MEB Narrative Summary?
If the MEB is for a cardiac case, include ___
EKG, AHA diagnostic standards, METS assessment, and ejection fraction if warranted
If the MEB is for a hearing loss case, include __
Audiometric exam - state testing standard, include pure tone audiometry and speech discrimination without hearing aid
If the MEB is for HTN, include__
3-day serial BP check taken twice daily while on medication
If the MEB is for diabetes, include__
Types and dosage of prescribed medication. Level of restriction on physical activity and/or diet as appropriate
What two recommendations are made from a MEB
Not requiring follow up action, meets physical retention standards, and is either medically fit for duty or fit for aviation/dive
May lead to separation from service because of physical impairment, reasons other than physical impairment, or physical impairment existed prior to entry but not aggravated by service.
A command has __ to sign the CG-4920
21 calendar days
In the event the iPEB makes new findings in response to the reconsideration request, the new findings shall be transmitted to the evaluee who has __ to respond.
7 calendar days
In the event the IPEB denies the reconsideration request, the evaluee has __ to respond
7 calendar days
If an FPEB is scheduled, an evaluee has __ to submit a request for reconsideration in writing to the IPEB via CGPC-adm-1
7 calendar days prior to the convening of the FPEB
What is a PRC?
Physical Review Council
What is a CG-3822
Injury Report for Not Misconduct and In Line of Duty Determination
What is a CG-3822
Injury Report for Not Misconduct and In Line of Duty Determination
If a CG-3822 is completed for a reservist, what must be attached?
Copy of orders
Boxes 16a-h on the CG-5684 is to list ___
Diagnoses related to the MEB
Boxes 16a-h on the CG-5684 is to list ___
Diagnoses related to the MEB
How are multiple diagnoses ordered on the CG-5684
If unrelated, primary diagnosis should be the most significant.
If there a combination of related causes the primary should be the one which was determined to be the precipitating factor for the other diagnosis(es).
The second through eighth should be recorded in the order of importance.
If a MEB is prepared in an Army or AF facility what is an acceptable substitute for the CG-4920?
DA Form 3947 or AF Form 618
What manual provides further guidance for evaluees who ware in receipt of normal service retirement orders?
Personnel Manual (Formerly CIM 1000.6, current CIM 1000.8 Military Separations)
Who refers cases to the IPEB?
The findings and disposition of an I{EB panel shall be ___
If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, the IPEB will __
Forward the case to the FPEB for consideration
If an evaluee is found not fit for duty they must take one of the following actions (5)
Request reconsideration and, if applicable, submit new information to the IPEB
Accept the findings
Conditionally accept pending approval of retention request
Reject and demand a formal hearing at the FPEB
Waive continued disability processing and request admin sep, or retirement
An evaluee has __ to respond to an IPEB otherwise it will be presumbed all findings and recommended disposition are accepted
30 calendar days
If an evaluee elects to conditionally accept pending approval of a retention request, and the request if denied, the member has __ to respond to the IPEB’s findings and cannot conditionally accept again.
7 calendar days
What is the CGHQ 4808?
Coast Guard PDEB Findings and Recommended Disposition
If a member’s name is not sooner removed from the TDRL, disability retired pay terminates at the end of __ on the list
5 years
A member on TDRL must undergo periodic physical examination and IPEB review __
At least once every 18 month period
Not less than 12 months prior to the termination of 5 years
Any time as specified by appropriate authority