Camping Study guide Flashcards
Base Camping
Setting up and staying at the same site for a number of days.
Part of the tent that goes over the main body of the tent.
Rectangle Sleeping Bag
Most versatile type of sleeping bag and provides the most leg room.
Filtraiton System
Used when clean water is not available.
Frost Bite
Medical condition; When exsposed to cold weather skin begins to tingle and turn gray.
Seam Sealant
Used to treat tents for water protection prior to use outside.
Log Cabin and Teepee
Types of fires used in class.
Backpacking Meals
Non perishable or dry foods.
Base Camping Meals
Cool packed frozen foods.
Cheap, easy to get, fuel.
Tightly wrapped sleeping bag.
Always drink water before when?
Before your thirsty.
7 principles of Leave No Trace
Plan ahead & Prepare, travel & camp on durable surfaces, Dispose of waste properly, leave what you find, minimize campfire impacts, respect wildlife, be considerate of others.