campaigns for Civil Rights Flashcards
What does the NAACP stand for ?
The national association for the Advancement of coloured people
What was the NAACPs long term tactic for challenging segregation ?
through the courts
What were many of the NAACP’s court cases focused on undermining ?
the ‘separate but equal’ doctrine established by the Supreme Court in 1896 in the plessy V Ferguson case that declared different facilities for black and white people were acceptable if they were equal.
What was the purpose of the LDF (legal defense fund) that the NAACP set up on Feb 12th 1940 ?
to raise money to take on cases that would challenge the principles of Plessy V Ferguson
What did the the NAACP do with the money they raised from the LDF set up on Feb 12th 1940 with the aim of challenging the principles of Plessy V Ferguson (1896)
They hired the Best Black lawyers
Give 3 examples of Black lawyers that the NAACP hired in order to take on legal cases to challenge the principles of Plessy V Ferguson using the money from the LDF.
1) Robert Carter
2) Charles Hamilton Houston
3) Thurgood Marshall
Give a list of 5 supreme court cases that the NAACP won that challenged segregation from 1944 to 1950.
1) Smith V Allwright (1944)
2) Morgan V Virginia (1946)
3) Shelley V Kramer (1948)
4) McLaurin V Oklahoma state (1950)
5) Sweatt V Painter (1950)
What was the outcome of the 1944 Smith V Allwright case that the NAACP won ?
It was a voting rights case that allowed Americans of all races in Texas to vote in primaries (elections used by parties to choose a candidate).
What was the outcome of the 1946 Morgan V Virginia case that the NAACP won ?
ruling that declared segregation on buses illegal
What was the outcome of the 1948 Shelley V Kramer case that the NAACP won ?
ruled that estate agents could not refuse to show and sell houses to Black clients.
What was the outcome of the 1950 McLaurin V Oklahoma state case that the NAACP won ?
George McLaurin could enter the university of Oklahoma although had to be segregated from other students.
What was the outcome of the 1950 Sweatt V Painter case that the NAACP won ?
S.C ruled that the separate law school created for Heman Sweatt, a Black applicant was not ‘separate but equal’ to the White University of Texas Law school he had been denied access to.
What landmark court case in education did the Sweatt V Painter court cases in 1950 lay the ground for ?
The Brown V Board case (1954)
Give a limitation of the supreme court rulings that the NAACP won from 1944 - 1950.
were not enforced, particularly in the Southern states.
What does ‘CORE’ stand for ?
Congress of Racial Equality
When was NAACP founded ?
When was CORE founded ?
What did CORE state its mission was in 1942 ?
“To bring about equality for all people regardless of race, creed, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion or ethnic background”.