Calender Days Flashcards
If an employee is not given his/her PMG by the annual review date, the employee may request his or her merit increase in writing by sending a memorandum directly to the human resources officer in fiscal management bureau. If the PMG is an overall “met,” the request will be processed (within 21 calendar days of submittal) and will be retroactive to the PMG annual review date.
- Not given
- PMG by
- Review date
- Within 21 calendar days of submittal
The appeal must be made within seven calendar days from the date the PMG was received by the employee.
- Appeal
- Seven calendar days
- Received
As outlined in the operations orders and the reserve division manual. (2) Complete And submit a copy of their monthly reserve timesheet to their immediate reserve supervisor and the reserve division no later than the (fifth Calendar day) of the (following month.)
- Reserve
- Monthly reserve timesheet
- Fifth Calendar day
- Following month
AWR it is employees responsibility to insure that shift trades are paid back within 28 Calendar days of the initial shift traded.
- Shift
- Paid back
- 28 calendar days
Probationary employees on FMLA leave for more than 30 calendar days will have their entire period of absence added to their probationary period.
- Probationary
- More
- 30 calendar days
(Report of significant work) • this form will be completed if the industrial injury results in exposure to body fluids a level I or IV exposure to a blood-borne pathogen• This form must be filed within 10 calendar days of the (Form 41–1 00) exposure Routing of paperwork [exposure] (a) The immediate and reviewing supervisors will forward the forms and a photocopy of the employees memorandum to FMB prior to the end of the third calendar day following the day of injury.
- This form must be filled within 10 calendar days
2. Supervisors will forward the forms to FMB prior to the end of the third calendar day following the day injury.
Assignments less than 30 days – Assignments and supervision of temporary light duty employees for less than 30 calendar days will be the responsibility of the employees precinct/bureau commander/administrator.
- Assignment less
- 30 Days
- Light duty
- Less
- 30 calendar days
- Bureau/precinct commander/administrator
Assignments beyond 30 days - if the employees light duty status extends beyond 30 calendar days, a memorandum will be forward through the chain of command to FMB describing the employee’s worn limitations and disability, expected duration, and the employees assignment.
- Light duty
- Beyond 30 calendar days
FMB will coordinate the placement of employees whose temporary light duty status extends beyond 30 calendar days.
- Placement
- Light duty
- Beyond 30 days calendar days
Coordinator refusal of an off duty job: The coordinator may appeal this suspension in riding to the off-duty work detail supervisor within five calendar days from the date of receipt of the notice of suspension.
- Coordinator refusal
- Appeal
- Five calendar days
- Receipt of
- Suspension
Notification of involved employee/s -the employees involved in an incident to be brought before the review board will be notified of the board at least 10 calendar days prior to the meeting.
- Review board
- Notified
- 10 calendar days prior
The IRP process will not exceed 21 calendar days, if a time extension is needed it must be requested in writing prior to the end of the 21 Calendar day period.
- IRP process
- 21 calendar days
- Extension
- Prior
- 21 Calendar day
Misconduct time limitations- The employee has a minimum 21 days to review the draft investigative report and make note of any issues in dispute. If agreed to by both parties, the time period Of 21 calendar days for review may be reduced or extended.
- Employee
- 21 calendar days
- ReView
- Draft investigative report
- 21 calendar days
- May be reduced or extended.
Urine test: if notification cannot be accomplished within four calendar days, the employees supervisor will notify esb of the anticipated date of notification.
- Urine
- Notification cannot be accomplished within four calendar days.
- Supervisor
- Notify ESB
DRB The department shall notify the unit member 10 calendar days prior to such opportunity to respond to the board. The notification shall contain the date, time, violations and basis of each violation that has been sustained.
- Department
- Notify
- Member 10 calendar days prior
- Board
- Violation
Grievances 14 calendar days
- Grievances
2. 14 calendar days