Calculating Probabilities from Frequency Distributions. Flashcards
Can a probability be negative?
No, no, no. A probability cannot be negative, and is measured in the range from zero to one (or 0% to 100%).
“If the probabilities of all possible events in a particular set always add up to one or 100%, then the probability of a house having a pHQ percentage greater than or equal to the minimum, and less than or equal to the maximum is 100%.” What does this mean?
A house will will always have a housing quality probability that will be between 0 and 100%..
- If looking at a bar chart of the conditions of houses’ shingles, calculate the total number of surveyed houses with visible shingles by?
A. Counting the number of bars.
B. Adding up the heights of all of the bars.
C. Looking at the highest number labelling the vertical Y-axis.
D. Checking the height of the tallest bar.
- The probability of a house having either torn or missing shingles is calculated by?
A. Dividing the number of bars for torn and missing shingles by the total number of bars.
B. Multiplying together the subtotals of those with torn and missing shingles, and dividing by the total with visible shingles.
C. Adding the subtotals of those with new, normal, and curling shingles together, and dividing by the total with visible shingles.
D. Adding together the subtotals of those with torn and missing shingles, and dividing by the total with visible shingles.