C3: Global Governance: Human Rights & Environmental Flashcards
What are Human Rights defined as?
Entitlements inherent to all human beings as virtue of being born
What is the idea of Universal human rights?
The idea that everyone should have human rights regardless of cultural or other differences
When were Human Rights conceptualised?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
What is International law?
The rules governing relationships between states
What are the main sources of international law?
Treaties & conventions between states
International custom
General principles of law recognised by civilised nations
Judicial decisions
Legal writings
What is the International Court of Justice?
A court that adjudicates disputes between UN member states
What is the International Criminal Court?
A court responsible for investigation & putting on trial individuals who have been accused of some of the worst crimes against humanity.
ICC was set up by the 1998 Rome Statute & came into force in 2002
What are some criticisms of the ICC?
Most arrest warrants have been of Africans - colonial organisation
Any state can remove their signature & the ICC has no authority - Russia
What were the two notable UN tribunals that predated the ICC?
Yugoslavia 1993
Rwanda 1994
What is the European Court of Human Rights?
An organisation set up as a response to the Holocaust
Individuals or groups who feel their human rights have been breached can appeal to the ECHR
What were the first instances of genuine international trials?
Nuremberg Trials & the Tokyo Trials
What states notably didn’t sign the UDHR in 1948?
Saudi Arabia & other islamic states - UDHR considered incompatible with Islamic law as it contained freedom to religion
What are some issues with the idea of global governance with regards to Human Rights?
Forcible Humnitarian intervention contradicts ideas of state sovereignty
Assumes moral absolutes that unite the world - mostly western ideas
States can use Human Rights as pretext for invasion & expansion
Intervention doesn’t always actually help
What are some examples of Western intervention making things worse?
What were the two periods that saw a huge rise in Human Rights protection?
End of the Cold War
Why was there a rise in humanitarian intervention in the 1990s?
The UN could now approve humanitarian intervention missions due to the fall of the USSR
What is an example of successful humanitarian intervention?
Sierra Leone
What were some accusations thrown at the USA regarding double standards?
They preached democracy, but overthrew democratically elected regimes & supported military regimes that used torture.
Examples being Fidel Castro & the Nicaraguan Government respectively
What are some more modern issues regarding the West & ‘double standards’ of Human Rights?
War on Terror facilitated many human rights abuses
UK marine convicted of war crimes in 2013
UK sold armaments to Saudi Arabia used against civilians in Yemen
USA allegedly moved terror suspects to other countries in order to bypass normal legal & human rights protections
Western silence in the face of China
What notable states haven’t signed up to the ICC?
USA, China, Russia
What is the UNFCCC?
United Nationa Framework Convention on Climate Change
When was the UNFCCC established?
Rio ‘earth summit’ in 1992
Treaty came into force 1994
What was agreed at the 1997 Kyoto summit?
181 signatories of the UNFCCC were to freeze CO2 emissions at 1990 levels from 2000 onwards
How are environmental requirements on states decided under the UNFCCC?
Determined on the basis of equity & in accordance with the states’s “common but differentiated responsibilities & respective capabilities” - states that had contributed most to global warming had greater reduction targets