C2: Nationalism Flashcards
What is a Nation defined as?
A group of people who identify as such, bound together by tradition, history, religion, language, etc.
What is a Nation-state?
A group who identify as a nation and have self-determination and sovereignty.
What is self-determination?
A nation that decides how it is governed.
What are the splits across different types of nationalism?
Rational vs. Irrational
Civic vs. Cultural
Inclusive vs. Exclusive
Progressive vs. Reactionary
What subsections of Nationalism are considered rational, Civic, Inclusive, and Progressive?
Liberal, Anti/Post colonial
What subsections of nationalism are considered irrational, Cultural, Exclusive, and reactionary?
Conservative, Expansionist
What is the idea of Civic nationalism?
If you feel like you are a part of the nation & believe in the ideas that nation upholds, you are a member of that nation.
What is the idea of culturalism?
The nation is a cultural identity due to its language, culture, and history. You cannot be part of a nation just because you speak the language.
What is the idea of racialism?
Some races display superior qualities to others.
What is the idea of Internationalism?
People should unite across international boundaries, and work together towards peace.
What are the two subsections of internationalism?
Liberal internationalism - Create interdependency & peace across nations
Social internationalism - Nations are aritificial, only important distinctions are class-based.
What is Liberal Nationalism?
A sub-section of nationalism that advocates the nation state as the only legitimate basis for government. Liberal Nationalists think the state should be inclusive, and anyone who shares the values of that nation should be welcomed. Peace & Prosperity can be achieved through interdependence.
What is Conservative Nationalism?
A sub-section that advocates social cohesion through shared values. Shared social values create cohesion, and immigrants must therefore assimilate. Does not care for the self-determination of others.
What is Anti & Post Colonial Nationalism?
Anti-Colonial - the rejection of colonial power, seeking establishment of independent nation state. Pushback against colonial power’s cultural assimilation
Post-Colonial - establishment of independent state after the colonial powers are gone. Often attracted to Socialism - rejection of Colonial values e.g. capitalism
What is Expansionist Nationalism?
A subsection that beleives one nation is superior to another, and should exploit all inferior nations. Follows ideas of integral nationalism, e.g. the individual is submissive to the state.
Who was Von Herder & what were his ideas?
Every nation has its own unique cultural character. Big on cultural identity & patriotism, closest link to Conservative Nationalism
Who was Rosseau and what were his ideas?
Legitimate government of a nation-state requires active citizen participation. He beleived that the state should follow the general will of the community, and that the state is only legitimate if it follows this will. Kind of links to Liberal Nationalism, no clear subsection
Who was Mazzini and what were his ideas?
People need nations to be free, and therefore Nationalism takes precedence over other causes. He regarded patriotism as a duty, and people united under nations. Links to Conservative Nationalism.
Who was Maurras and what were his ideas?
Integral Nationalism - people should be subservient to the state & expansion of the state is justified. Strong links to Expansionist Nationalism.
Who was Garvey and what were his ideas?
Garvey advocated a Black nation, that people needed to put aside their differences and work together in order to prove they were just as capable as the white man. Non-hostile to white people in ideology. Strong links with Anti & Post-colonial nationalism.
What are different beliefs between Nationalists surrounding human nature?
Liberals beleive in individual rights
Conservatives beleive in shared values & cultural assimilation
Anti/Post colonialists beleive in shared values of new national communities.
Expansionists beleive in people subservient to the state.
What are different beliefs of Nationalists surrounding the nation-state?
Liberal - only basis for legitimate govt
Conservative - creates social cohesion
Anti/Post colonial - Ends colonial exploitation
Expansionist - not all nations need statehood, only the strong.
What are different beleifs of nationalists surrounding society?
Liberal - Civic Nationalism, inclusive society
Conservative - Culturalism, people need to assimilate
Anti/Post colonial - Inclusive, shared values of new nation
Expansionist - use of racialism to divide
What are different beliefs of Nationalists surrounding the economy?
Liberal - Peace & Prosperity through interdependency
Conservative - Economic cooperation desirable to secure stability
Anti/Post colonial - Represented exploitation by western powers
Expansionist - other nations represent a threat, Autarky desirable.