C2: Parliament Flashcards
What is the Legislature in the UK?
The Parliament, where all elected MPs sit. Parliament passes all laws.
What is the Executive in the UK?
The Cabinet
What is the Government?
The Cabinet, or ‘Frontbench’, formed by the largest party in the Commons.
What is meant by the Bicameral system?
The ‘Two-Chamber’ system, made of the HoC and the HoL
What is the Cabinet?
A group of ministers appointed by the PM. Each minister has their own set of responsibilities (Chancellor, Home Sec, etc)
What is a strength of the UK Parliament structure?
Bicameral system acts as a check on executive power
What is a weakness of the UK Parliament structure?
Monarch is constitutional only - serves no purpose
Electorate does not pick the PM - voted for Johnson, have had Truss & Sunak
HoL unelected
What electoral system does the UK Parliament use?
First Past the Post
How often are HoC elections held?
Every 5 years
What is the Fixed-Term parliaments act?
An act that said parliaments cannot call early elections unless a no-confidence vote is lost or 2/3 of MPs support an early election.
When was the Fixed Term parliaments act repealed?
What happens when an MP dies or steps down?
A by-election is held
What is an example of an independent MP?
Douglas Carswell UKIP stepped down in 2017 and became an Independent
What is an example of an MP crossing the floor to another party?
Christian Wakeford to Labour in 2022
Phillip Lee to Lib Dems in 2019
What is the upper limit to members of the House of Lords?
There is none
How many Lords are there currently?
What are the three categories of Lords?
Hereditary Peers, Life Peers, Lords Spiritual
What are the four functions of Parliament
Legislate, Scrutinise, Represent, and Legitimacy
How does Parliament fulfill its role to legislate?
It can make or amend laws on any matter
Parliament is the supreme law-making body in the UK
Private Member’s Bills can be tabled by any MP
What is the role of the Lords in legislation?
They can suggest amendments to non-money bills and return them to the Commons
Can veto bills for a year
In what ways is Parliament ineffective at legislation?
Parliament is reactive - most bills come from the executive & PMBs rarely passed
Whips force MPs to vote along party lines
Overriding necessity or secondary legislation can be used to force bills through (2005 Control Orders)
What forms of scrutiny are there in Parliament?
Questions to Ministers, PMQs, Select Committees, Debates
In what ways is Parliamentary Scrutiny effective?
Several mechanisms in place to deliver govt. scrutiny
PMQs is once a week
Debates can lead to change - Cameron & Syria
Select committes can change legislation - reviewed Covid response
In what ways is Parliamentary Scrutiny ineffective?
PMQs and debates are theatrical in nature
Select Committees are political in nature - Jonhson tried to install Grayling as head of Defence SC 2020