C22 pt 2 Flashcards
- gram
- how to tell apart species
- epidemiology, weather
- shedding, outbreaks
- Gram negative, Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis
o Must culture to tell apart (cold enrichment used) - Epidemiology poorly understood, survives cold weather
o Shed by carriers or wildlife, outbreaks usually under stressful conditions
- pathogenesis
- Invade enterocytes or M cells over Peyer’s patches
- Recruit neutrophils (local suppurative inflammation)
- Dissemination via lymphatics and portal vein
- Chronic cases: giant cells wall off lesions (pseudotuberculosis)
Yersiniosis in calves and deer?
- lesions
- less common presentations
- May cause fulminant fibrinous or fibrinohemorrhagic enterocolitis with diarrhea, mesenteric lymphadenitis, peritonitis, septicemia
- Hepatitis, abortion, mastitis, pneumonia less common
Yersiniosis in lambs, calves, piglets
- signs
- lesions
- Sometimes causes gradual onset diarrhea and ill thrift
- Thickened mesenteric lymphatics and enlarged, edematous LNs
- Fluid GI contents
Lawsonia intracellularis
- type of bacteria
- how to isolate
- causes what lesions? anatomic location
> symptoms
- mostly in what animals?
- Microaerophilic, nonflagellated, Gram -, curved or S-shaped rod
- Obligate intracellular pathogen – must use cell culture to isolate
- Causes proliferation of crypts in distal SI and/or LI
o Loss of functional surface area causes diarrhea
o Ill thrift and wasting due to protein loss
Mostly: piglets, foals - also can infect dogs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets
Lawsonia intracellularis in piglets
* Porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE)
- how important, geographic spread
- age
- severity
- mortality
- signs
- disease depends on…
- cells infected? adeonomatosis formation?
- lesions
> where
- shedding
- serosa appearance
- most common cause of what in pigs
- PM
o Globally prevalent and important disease, mostly weaned pigs but anytime 3 weeks +
o Varying severity (subclinical to reduced growth to severe weight loss and diarrhea)
o Can have high mortality due to progressive cachexia, hemorrhage, or perforation
o Disease depends on interaction with other gut bacteria
1. Actively taken up by enterocytes
2. Replicate in dividing cells, causing proliferation of poorly differentiated cells (mechanism not known)
3. Elongation and branching of crypts/glands, mucosal thickening and villus atrophy
> Result is adenomatosis = thickened plaques on mucosa
o Lesions are most consistent in the ileum but can extend to the cecum and spiral colon
o Shedding persists for weeks after infection
o Cerebriform appearance of serosa is almost pathognomonic
o The most common cause of necrotic enteritis in pigs, necrosis can be superficial or full thickness and may progress to stricture
- Irregular mucosal thickening with folds and ridges
- May have ulcerated foci
- Coagulative necrosis with diphtheritic membrane
Lawsonia intracellularis in piglets
* Proliferative hemorrhagic enteropathy (PHE)
- severity
- age, morbidity, mortality
- PM appearance, lesions
- histo
o Severity ranges from acute exsanguination to gradual melena/hematochezia
o More common in young adults, sporadic and low morbidity but half of cases may die
o Pale carcasses with blood on perineum, cerebriform ileal serosa with bloody contents
- Silver stain shows bacteria
- Curved rods in apical cytoplasm
- Minimal inflammation
Lawsonia intracellularis in foals
- what disease
- age
- signs
- gross lesions?
- origin?
- Equine proliferative enteritis (EPE)
o Mostly seen in weanling foals: fever, lethargy, weight loss, diarrhea, hypoproteinemia
o Gross lesions in ileum can be subtle to nonexistent
o Severe or chronic cases resemble PPE in pigs (thickening, fibrinonecrotic membrane)
o Possibly originated from a rodent reservoir?
Spirochetal colitis in piglets
* Swine dysentery - agent?
- bacteria type
- age, infectivity
- transmission, outbreaks
- pathogenesis?
- morbidity, mortality, immunity
- signs
- lesions
- anatomic location
Swine dysentery: Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
o Gram -, anaerobic, oxygen-tolerant, beta-hemolytic spirochete
o Highly infectious disease of weaned pigs (mostly 8-14 weeks old)
o Feco-oral transmission with outbreaks after introduction of carriers
o Pathogenesis poorly understood (invades enterocytes and produces endotoxin)
o Up to 90% morbidity and 30% mortality, usually produces immunity after recovery
- Fever, poor growth
- Watery malabsorptive diarrhea +/- blood, mucus, fibrin
- Cecum and spiral colon ONLY
- Erosion is limited to the epithelium because it does not invade deeper
- Often lots of mucus, fibrin, and hemorrhage, sometimes pseudomembranes
Spirochetal colitis
* Porcine intestinal spirochetosis - agent
- bacteria property
- comparison to swine dysentery
- anatomic location
- lesions? histo?
- Porcine intestinal spirochetosis: Brachyspira pilosicoli
o Weakly beta hemolytic, milder disease than swine dysentery, wider host range
o Transient watery to mucoid diarrhea without blood, poor weight gain
o Unlike swine dysentery, can colonize long term and does not elicit protective immunity
o Lesions limited to cecum and colon
<><> - Severe case – fibrin mixed with necrotic debris on surface
- False brush border (early infection)
Clostridial disease
- bacterial characteristics
- what’s needed for disease?
- species, mostly
- in circulation?
- Gram + rods, often commensals, some change needed to favour disease (diet, antibiotic treatment, reduced motility, other pathogens, etc)
- Disease mostly seen in herbivores and sometimes dogs
- Called enterotoxemia if produce toxins that are absorbed into circulation
Clostridial disease
* Braxy
- agent?
- toxin and disease process
- species, age
- lesions
- other disease causing claustridua
> blackleg
> botox
> Tyzzer’s
- Gram + rods, often commensals, some change needed to favour disease (diet, antibiotic treatment, reduced motility, other pathogens, etc)
- Disease mostly seen in herbivores and sometimes dogs
- Called enterotoxemia if produce toxins that are absorbed into circulation
- Braxy: C. septicum or C. sordelli
o Sporadic, predisposing factors unknown
o Toxin production leads to rapid onset of clinical signs and death
<> - lambs > calves
<> - Thickened, red, edematous, often emphysematous abomasum
Other possible clostridial diseases
o C. chauvoei in tongue (’blackleg’)
o C. botulinum (toxin ingestion and paralysis)
o C. piliforme (Tyzzer’s disease, the only Gram - clostridium) sometimes causes mild enteritis
Clostridium perfringens
- virulence due to?
> toxins, 4 types
> when are they produced
- Dx
- Toxinotypes
- toxins
> which are present in which types?
- effects of toxins
- which in healthy animals?
- which not in NA?
- Virulence is primarily due to 4 major toxins used to define toxinotypes
o All are produced during active growth, if no toxins = nonpathogenic
o Culture alone is not enough for diagnosis (some toxinotypes are commensals) – must
demonstrate presence of toxin in gut contents
> type E common in healthy animals
> Type B not present in NA
Alpha - Cell membrane damage and necrosis
> in every toxinotype
Beta - Pore-forming, causes intestinal necrosis. Inactivated by trypsin.
> type B, C
Epsilon - Pore-forming, increases vascular permeability. Activated by enzymes including trypsin.
> type B, D
Iota - Interferes with actin causing cell death. Activated by enzymes.
> type E
Type A: alpha
Type B: alpha, beta, epsilon
Type C: alpha, beta
Tye D: alpha, epsilon
Type E: alpha, iota
Clostridium perfringens A
- common? found where?
- causes what in wounds
- poultry dz
- canine dz
- calf dz
- Most common as a commensal and in the environment
- Cause of gas gangrene in wounds (like other Clostridia)
- Necrotic enteritis in poultry (implicated but not proven in other species)
- Cause of some cases of canine gastrointestinal hemorrhage syndrome
o Peracute cases: sudden death with profuse bloody diarrhea - Abomasitis and tympany in calves, especially ruminal drinkers
o Reddening and ulcers; also common in normal calves
Clostridium perfringens C
- geography
- what animals? why?
- colostrum impact
- common? difference from other toxotypes?
- Dx, toxin?
- signs, progression
- anatomic location
- Worldwide distribution, disease mostly in neonatal livestock and foals
o Recall beta toxin is sensitive to trypsin – neonates have less trypsin
o Colostrum also inhibits trypsin activity (to protect immunoglobulins)
<><><><> - Unlike other toxinotypes, uncommon in healthy animals
o Need to isolate beta toxin to confirm disease, but toxin is unstable so absence does not rule it out as a cause
<><><><> - Disease similar in all species, usually within first hours to days of life
o Acute necrohemorrhagic enteritis, can resemble venous infarction
o Occasionally affects feedlot calves and adult sheep (‘struck’) - Jejunum and ileum most affected
Clostridium perfringens D
- small ruminant dz?
- toxin? lesions?
- associated risk
- presentation in sheep, goats
- subacute and chronic form name
- Enterotoxemia (pulpy kidney disease) is an important problem in small ruminants
o Sometimes also affects cattle
<> - Most of the lesions are due to epsilon toxin
o Absorbed and reaches brain, lungs, kidneys; damages endothelium
<> - Often associated with history of high grain or concentrate feeding but reason unclear o Poorly digested starch reaching small intestine?
<> - Varying presentations depending on age and species of host…
o Usually no diarrhea or mucosal damage in sheep, necrotizing lesions in goats
o Subacute and chronic forms also called focal symmetrical encephalomalacia (FSE)
Clostridium perfringens D
- sheep, age affected and signs
- goats, signs
> vaccine, signs
- lesions
- Lambs > 2 weeks old and kids: acute course
o Found dead or brief neurologic signs
o Endocardial hemorrhage, edematous lungs
<> - Adult sheep: usually subacute to chronic
o Neurologic signs (FSE), not usually diarrheic
<><><><> - Adult goats: subacute
o Hemorrhagic diarrhea, colic, convulsions
o Death in 2-4 days, brain lesions less common than sheep
<> - Vaccinated adult goats: chronic
o Watery diarrhea with blood and mucus, colic, anorexia
<><><><> - Good fat stores
- Straw coloured serosal fluid that clots when exposed to air
- Fibrinonecrotic enteritis in goats
Clostridium difficile
- species
- where it lives
- what it does
- gut distribution
- toxins, what they do
- carriers
- toxinotyping
- horse, pig, rabbit, dog, cat, ostrich
<><><><> - Lives in soil and gut, common cause of hospital or antibiotic-associated diarrhea
o Variable distribution in gut depending on age and species
<><> - 2 toxins produced, A (enterotoxin) and B (enterotoxin and cytotoxin)
o Disable cell signalling pathways, interfere with cytoskeleton, promote release of
inflammatory mediators
o Result: apoptosis and inflammation with fluid gut contents
<><> - Carrier state is uncommon, but toxinotyping needed to rule out nontoxigenic strains
Clostridium difficile in the horse
- age, lesion location
- signs, severity, mortality
- looks like?
- Ddx
- lesions
- Any age affected, lesions anywhere from the small intestine to the colon
o Foals <1 month old mostly SI, older horses mostly colon
<><> - Variable clinical signs and severity
o Diarrhea (consistent), fever, colic, injected mucous membranes, shock, DIC
o Mortality 0-42%, lesions almost identical to C. perfringens C (can occur together)
o Other differentials: salmonellosis, Potomac horse fever, NSAID toxicity
<><> - Multifocal hemorrhage/hyperemia
- Thickened by edema
- Pseudomembrane and watery contents
Paratuberculosis (Johne’s)
- bacteria?
- Dx
- species
- Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP)
- Slowgrowing–PCRtoconfirm
- Epidemiology best characterized in cattle, likely similar in other species
- Also occurs in these species:
- pigs, rabbits, sheep, deer, horses, llama, (humans?), (Other species infected but no disease)
Paratuberculosis (Johne’s)
- infectious dose
- route of infection
- pathogenesis
- if infection is not cleared…. what hapens?
4 stages of infection
- which is most important source of infection?
- Infectious dose is higher for adults than neonates
o Usually infection of calves via feco-oral or contaminated milk/colostrum
o Enters via M cells or enterocytes over Peyer’s patches, invades macrophages
o Prevents phagolysosome fusion to survive, triggers proinflammatory cell-mediated
response that may clear infection
o If infection is not cleared, eventually shifts to ineffective antibody-mediated response
at the start of clinical disease
<><><><> - 4 stages of infection
Most important source of infection!
1) Silent: Infected but not shedding
2) Subclinical: Infected and progressive shedding but no signs, lasts 2-5 years
3) Clinical: Infected, shedding, signs present, rare in cows <2 years old
4) Advanced clinical: Terminal stages of disease
Subclinical stage is the most important source of infection
Paratuberculosis (Johne’s)
- lesions, anatomic location
- signs and lesions
- Lesions mostly seen in the ileum, colon, and draining lymph nodes
o Granulomatous enteritis and villus atrophy, protein loss = wasting
o Malabsorption and inflammatory secretion overload resorption = diarrhea
<><><><> - ‘Hosepipe’ diarrhea and wasting
- Keep eating and may have intermittent or progressive diarrhea for weeks before cachexia and wasting begin
- Mineral plaques in aorta
- Diffuse mucosal thickening into transverse rugae
- Lymphangitis (thickened lymphatics) characteristic, may eventually involve lymph nodes
Paratuberculosis (Johne’s)
- in sheep and goats
> susceptibility
> incubation
> progression
> disease presentation
> lesions? histo?
- More susceptible than cows (especially goats), shorter incubation period o Exposure to higher doses in early life leads to faster progression
- Disease mostly in adults, chronic wasting without diarrhea
o GI lesions sporadic and milder than cows, often few bacteria
<><> - skinny animals but lack of fecal soiling
- Acid-fast stain to show bacteria in cells – useful in all species
Rhodococcus equi in foals
- where is it found?
- most important as what type of pathogen?
- lesions? why?
- bacteria in what cells?
- signs
- also infects what animals
- Opportunist, normal flora in soil and GI tract, most important as a respiratory pathogen
o 50% also have dose-related GI tract lesions
o Likely due to swallowing bacteria-laden exudates coughed up from lungs - Bacteria found inside macrophages
<><><><> - Pyogranulomatous typhlocolitis +/- lymphadenitis
- May form abscesses or cause peritonitis
- Crater-like ulcers that are worst over Peyer’s patches
- Mostly affects cecum and colon
- Causes chronic diarrhea, wasting
Also infects pigs, cattle, goats, humans (immunocompromised)
Neorickettsiosis in horses
* Aka Potomac horse fever
- agent
- type of pathogen
- where it replicates
- geography
- life cycle / vector / route of infection
- Aka Potomac horse fever, caused by Neorickettsia risticii
o Obligate intracellular pathogen that replicates in phagosomes
o Originally described around the Potomac River but now widespread in North and
South America
<><><><> - Flukes are the vector for the bacterium
- Infected mayflies drown in horse water buckets etc
- Accidentally ingested by horses
<><><><> - snail eats egg
> cercariae leaves snail
> infects aquatic insect > metacercaria
> insect may be eaten by horse, which becomes accidental host
Neorickettsiosis in the horse
- incubation, when are clinical signs?
- signs?
- severity? mortality?
- Dx
- lesions
- lesion location
- Incubation period 9-14 days, diarrhea occurs 1-3 days after onset of fever
- Variable severity, up to 30% mortality if untreated, confirm with PCR
- Endotoxic lesions, leukopenia, depression, inappetence, colic, lameness
<><><><> - Liquid, red-brown, foul smelling colon contents
- May have clusters of small (few mm) ulcers
- R dorsal colon worst
- Laminitis
Campylobacter spp.
- pathogenesis
- signs in chickens, pigs
- signs in dogs, foals, lambs
o Attach to and invade enterocytes, pathology due to toxin production
o Chickens asymptomatic (C. jejuni), pigs asymptomatic or diarrheic (C. coli)
o Mild diarrhea in dogs, foals, weaned lambs
Enterococcus spp.
- type of bacteria, can behave like what other bacteria sometimes?
- which ones can affect all species?
o Gram + cocci, mostly commensal but sometimes behaves like EPEC
o E. durans and E. hirae can affect any species
Bacteroides fragilis
- type of bacteria
- some secrete what? consequence?
o Non-spore forming obligate anaerobe, usually commensal
o Some secrete a protease that damages enterocytes, but don’t adhere to mucosa