C16 | 인간의 생식 기관 (Human Reproductive System) Flashcards
Human Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System:
What are the parts of the Male Reproductive System?
- Penis
- Scrotum
- Testis
- Sperm Duct
- Male Sex Glands
- Urethra
Function of Penis?
- Male Reproductive Organ which becomes erect when sexually excited.
- Sperms are ejaculated through the penis during sexual intercourse.
Function of Scrotum?
- Holds the testis outside the body.
- Sperms develop better at lower body temperature.
Function of Testis?
- Produces sperms and male sex hormones called testosterone.
Function of Sperm Duct?
- A muscular tube that carries sperms from the testis to the urethra.
Function of Male Sex Glands?
- Secretes a fluid containing nutrients and enzymes.
- The nutrients and enzymes provide the sperms with the energy to move.
Function of Urethra?
- A tube that leads to the outside of the body through the penis.
- During sexual intercourse, sperms pass from the testes into the sperm duct and to the urethra. The sperms are then passed to the outside of the body through the urethra.
Female Reproductive System:
What are the parts of the Female Reproductive System?
- Ovary
- Uterus
- Oviduct (Fallopian Tube)
- Cervix
- Vagina
Function of Ovary?
- Produces eggs and female sex hormones called oestrogen and progesterone.
Function of Uterus?
- Also known as womb.
- Allows implantation of embryo and subsequent growth of foetus.
Function of Oviduct?
- A muscular tube connecting the ovary to the uterus.
- Walls of the oviduct contracts and pushes the egg along the oviduct towards the uterus.
- Where fertilisation takes place.
Function of Cervix?
- A ring of muscle at the lower end of the uterus to connect the uterus to the vagina.
Function of Vagina?
- A muscular tube that joins the cervix to the outside of the body.
- Sperms are deposited after sexual intercourse.
Define Fertilisation.
Fertilisation is defined as the process where the nucleus of sperm fuses with the nucleus of the egg. The fusion of the nuclei of the sperm and egg forms a fertilised egg called a zygote.
Define Puberty.
Puberty is the period when an adolescent becomes capable of reproducing. During this period, the adolescent also experiences rapid growth and development.
10 -12
What are some changes for the Male and Female during puberty and similarities?
* Hair stars to grow in the armpits and pubic region.
* Growth spurt.
* Release of sex hormones.
* Sex organs become larger.
* Growth of facial hair.
* Voice-Box enlarges and voice deepens.
* Muscle develops.
* Penis and testes increase in size.
* Production of sperms begin and ejaculation occurs.
* Breasts and Uterus enlarge.
* Hips broaden.
* Menstruation and Ovulation begin.
Define Menstruation.
Menstruation is the discharge of the uterus tissues when an egg remains unfertilised.
How long does the Menstrual Cycle last for?
28 Days
What happens in Day 1-5 during Menstruation?
* The first day of the menstrual cycle starts with the menstrual flow.
* It is the shedding of the unfertilised egg, uterine lining and blood.
What happens during Day 6-10 during Menstruation?
Repair & Growth of Uterine Lining
* The Uterine Lining grows thicker and becomes very rich in blood capillaries. (Oestrogen)
What happens during Day 11-17 of Menstruation?
Fertile Period
* On day 14, a mature egg will be released into the fallopian tube (ovulation).
* Sexual Intercourse during the fertile period is likely to result in pregnancy.
What happens during Day 18-28 of Menstruation?
Further Thickening of the Uterine Lining
* The Uterine Lining remains thick to supply the embryo with nutrients and oxygen for growth. (Progesterone)
What are some Natural Methods for Temporary Birth Control?
* Do not have sexual intercourse at all.
Rhythm Method:
* Do not have sexual intercourse during the fertile period of the woman’s menstrual cycle.
What are some Chemical Methods for Temporary Birth Control?
* A spermicide is a chemical that kills or blocks sperms from entering the uterus.
* Inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse.
* Comes in gel form, aerosol foams and foaming tablets.
* Not reliable when used on its own, usually used with a condom or diaphragm.
Contraceptive Pills
* Contraceptive Pills contain certain female sex hormones which prevents ovulation.
* It disrupts the function of the ovary by preventing the release of a mature egg each month.
* Only prescribed by a doctor.
* Only effective if woman adheres to the instructions.
What are some Mechanical Methods for Temporary Birth Control?
* A diaphragm is a dome-shaped rubber cap with an elastic rim.
* Impermeable to sperms, thus prevents sperms from entering the uterus.
* Inserted into the vagina and placed over the cervix.
* A condom is a thin rubber tube used to cover the erect penis before sexual intercourse.
* Impermeable to sperms, thus sperms cannot enter the uterus.
* Impermeable to bacteria and viruses, thus protects user from getting sexually transmitted infections.
Intra-Uterine Device
* The IUD is a piece of plastic or metal that is inserted into the uterus by a doctor.
* It disrupts the function of the uterus by preventing the embryo from implanting in the uterine lining.
What is the male sterilisation method for Permanent Birth Control?
* Involves the tying the cutting part of the sperm ducts during surgery.
* Disrupts the function of the sperm duct and sperms is not transported to the penis.
* A vasectomy does not prevent the male to have an erection or the ejaculation of semen, the semen will not contain any sperms.
What is the female sterilisation method for Permanent Birth Control?
Tubal Ligation
* Involves the tying and cutting of both oviducts during surgery.
* Disrupts the function of the oviduct and prevents sperms from meeting the egg.
What are three common Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
- Acquired Immune Defiency Syndrome
- Syphilis
- Gonorrhoea
What is AIDS? What are the symptoms and can it be cured?
- The virus attacks a particular type of white blood cell which are essential for the function of the immune system. This causes the immune system of the infected person to be weakened and hence, the infected person succumbs easily to infections.
- Most of the time, AIDS patients die of other types of diseases, not by HIV itself.
- Signs & Symptoms of AIDS:
- Prolonged Fever
- Night Sweat
- Loss of Appetite
- Cannot be cured as it is a virus.
What is Syphilis? What are the symptoms and can it be cured?
Syphilis is caused by bacteria. It can be treated with antibiotics at the early stages of infection.
Signs & Symptoms:
Early Stage: Sores at spots where bactera enter the body.
Later Stage: Rashes and lesions on different parts of skin, palms of hands and soles of feet, fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat and fatigue.
What is Gonnorhoea? What are the symptoms and can it be cured?
Gonnorhoea is also caused by bacteria. It can be treated with antibiotics at the early stage of the infection.
Signs & Symptoms:
Early Stage: Pus discharge from the penis or vaginal discharge, painful burning sensation during urination.