C14: Review Questions Flashcards
The presence of the psoas muscles projects the longitudinal plane of the kidneys ______ posterior from the mid-coronal plane.
Which of the following structures is most anterior in the female pelvis?
The urinary bladder is located in the _______ compartment of the peritoneum.
The term that describes the total functional portion of the kidney is _____.
renal parenchyma
Which position is most commonly performed during a voiding cystourethrogram on a male patient?
30-degree RPO
If extravasation occurs following a bolus injection of contrast media, the technologist should first _____.
place a warm compress on the affected extremity
Micturition is defined as _____.
the act of voiding or urination
What is a diuretic?
A drug that increases urine excretion.
How long must metformin be withheld from diabetic patients following a contrast media procedure?
48 hours
The normal creatinine range for an adult is _____.
0.6 to 1.5 mg/dL
If the symphysis pubis is superimposing a portion of the urinary bladder on an AP projection taken during a cystogram, the technologist should _____.
increase CR caudal angle
If angioedema occurs following a contrast media injection, the patient is experiencing a _____.
moderate reaction
During ureteric compression, the pneumatic two paddles must be placed _____.
at the level of the iliac crest
Regarding the puncture of the needle during venipuncture, what is the direction of the bevel of the needle and the angle to approach?
Bevel upward, 20- to 45-degree angle
Which of the following reactions to contrast media is considered severe reactions?
hyotension, laryngeal swelling, and respiratory arrest