C13: Review Questions Flashcards
The typical adult’s small intestine (intact) measures _____.
23 feet, or 7 m
Which region(s) of the large intestine would be barium filled during a double-contrast BE with the patient lying prone?
Transverse and sigmoid colon
Regional enteritis is also known as _____.
Crohn’s disease
The most common type of colon cancer is _____.
The IV pole/enema bag is no farther than _____ above the table for the beginning of a barium enema procedure.
24 inches (61 cm)
Which of the following projections will best demonstrate the rectum during an air-contrast barium enema?
Ventral decubitus
What type of CR angle is required for the AP axial “butterfly” projection?
30- to 40-degree cephalad
The ileum is located in the ____ quadrants.
The duodenum is located in the ____ quadrants.
What is the function of the small intestine?
digestion, absorption, and reabsorption
An inflammatory condition of the intestine, primarily the small intestine, is termed:
An obstruction of the small intestine is termed:
What type of CR angle is required for the RAO position for a barium enema?
No angle, perpendicular about 2 inches to the left of the MSP
Where is the CR directed for a ventral decubitus position for the barium enema?
Horizontal at the level of the ASIS and MCP
What is the first step on the enema tip insertion procedure?
Place the patient in Sims position.