C11 - POLYMERS Flashcards
What is a polymer
-It is made up by joining together thousands of small identical molecules .
-Scientists call identicca molecules MONOMERS .
–Monomers join togther to form polyymers .
There are two gtypes of pollymers ;
-Additional Polymers .
-Condensation polyers .
In additional polymers , te monomers are …
Key things about monomersin additonal polymers
-Monomer has a DOUBLE carbon to carbon bond , but a POLYMER has a single Carbon to carbon bond .
-Name of polumer is the word’poly’ ofllwoed by the name of the monomer (monomer ethene would make poly ethene
REPEATED UNITS (check sheet)
stages of making a repeated units - WORK OUT THE REPETED UNITS .
1.Take any two carbon atoms that are next to echother .
2.Draw out the hydrgoen atoms in the strucutre .
3.[ut brackets aroundit .
-Add N to the right of the bracket outside.
What does n represent .
N represents a large number .
-It tells us the polymer contains a large number of repeated units .
iIN addition polymers , the repeating units havethe atoms as the monomer .
BECAUSE - no other molecule is formed in the reaction .
(100% atom economy , as all the aotms in the monomer end up in polymer ) .
-Repeting unit does not contaian a double bond .
EXAM - Draw the addition polymer that would be produced from this monomer.
EXAM draw the repeating unit for the polymer porduced for the monomer propene .
What are condensation polymers made from ?
-They are made from monomers .
-However , in codenstion polymers the monomers are NOT ALKENES .
-When these monomers react , we LOOSE small molecules such as wter .
CHECK THE SHEET - how are condensation polymers formed ?
-We start with two different monomers . Each of the monomers have two of the same functionl groups .
-Ethane diol has two ALCHOL GROUPS (one group needed )
-Hexandioci acid ha stwo carboxlic acid groups (the seocnd one tha tis needed .
Reacting a cabroxylic aicd with an alchol and it porducers an ESTER +WATER
-To form a condenation polymer , we react our two monomers together .
-In this case , one molecule of ethanediol reacts with one molecule of hexanedioic acid .
-We can now continue to add monomers to either end ., lowing u to producer a LONG POLYMER .
-Water moleculeare porduced at the end as a porduct .
In reality , thousands of monomers can join together to make POLYMERS .
Check sheet ,we can write the repeating unit for the condensation polymers .
-Then draw brackets aroun them so that the bodn crosses thorugh each bracket .
-Tehwn write the letter N to the right to show a large numbr .
Do the exam question .
-There is one of each monomer in the preating unti .
-In this case the rpeaitng unit is 1000.
condensation polymers can be formed from amino acids .
glyocene NEED TP KNOW STRUCTURE for example
amino acids have two funcitonal groups , check sheet dor structure
amine group
+carboxyliv cid group
as we have two funcitonal groups we can react amino acid molecules together to form a CONDENSATION POLYMER.
When reacitng tow glycene togehter . , we also form a molecule of water - s the product is wagter - THAT IS HOW WE KNOW IT IS A CONDENSATION EWACTION .
-Now we can add anogther glycine molecule ono one end and we make another molecule of water .
-We can CONTINE ADDING GLYCENE MOELCULES - to form a polymer .
we can repeat the reaction above in a simpelr way (check the sheet)
-The letter”n” tells us the number of glycene molecules taking part in the rreaction keep checking sheets yall .
glycene moelcues reacting to form polymer (1)
-As this polymer is made from only ONE TYPE of mino cid we clal it a polypeptate.
Key all aminoa cids have two important funcitonal group (amine groupe and carboxylic acid group)
so can orm condensation polymers jsut like glycine .
glycene moelcues reacting to form polymer (2)
-When we combine DIFFERENT amino caids in rthe same chain , we can now call them polymers,
Dn is found in almost all vining organisms - wht is it ?
DNA encodes the genetic instructions that living ogrganisms need to develop and function .
Strution of DNA
Dna consists of two polymer chins made from monomers called NUCLEOTIDIES .
-4 different nucleotide monomers - CGAT .
-The two polymer chains wrp around eachother to form a DOUBLE HELIX .
oTHER NATURALLY occuring polymers
Protiens - polymers of amino aicds .(MONOMER
-Starch - polymers of glucose MONOMER
Cellulose –> polymer of glucose MONOMER
pOLYMER-MONOMER that is how it is labelled
Althoughs tarch and cellulose both have glucose the glucose molecules are AARRNGED IN SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT WAY .