C11 12-14 and 17 Flashcards
Types of membrane potentials
Resting, graded, action
What are graded potentials?
Short-lived, localized changes in membrane potential that can be either hyperpolarization or depolarization.
Why do graded potentials happen?
A change (stimulus) in the neuron’s environment opens gated ion channels (ligand).
Where do graded potentials happen?
Dendrites/cell body
What is an action potential?
(Aka nerve impulse). A brief reversal of membrane potential. Involves a transient increase in Na+ permeability followed by restoration of Na+ impermeability and then a short lived increase in K+ permeability.
When and where is an AP generated?
An AP is generated only when adequately stimulated by local currents from a graded potential. In most neurons, the transition from local GP to AP happens at the axon hillock.
How is an AP generated?
A threshold stimulus opens voltage-gated sodium channels. Sodium ions diffuse into the axon depolarizing it to +30mV. Voltage-gated sodium channels close and voltage-gated potassium channels open. Potassium ions diffuse out of the axon repolarizing it
How is an AP propogated along a neuron?
Local currents of an area undergoing depolarization cause depolarization of the forward adjacent area. Repolarization chases the depolarization down the length of the axon.
- Resting state
All gated Na+ and K+ channels are closed. RMP
- Depolarization
Local currents depolarize the axon membrane. Voltage gated Na+ open and Na+ rushes in causing more gates to open. All Na+ channels open, and MP ends up at +30mV.
(When threshold is reached (-50/55), depolarization becomes self generating)
This lasts only 1 msec
- Repolarization
Na+ channels inactivate and K+ channels open.
The inactivation gates of Na+ close and membrane permeability declines to resting levels. Na+ stops entering the cell.
Voltage gated K+ open and K+ rushes out of the cell following its electrochemical gradient.
- Hyperpolarization
Some K+ channels remain open and Na+ channels reset. Increased K+ permeability lasts longer than needed to restore the resting state and as a result a hyperpolarizatin is seen. Na+ activation gates close and inactivation gates open. Resting electrical conditions are restored, but ionic conditions are not. Sod-Pot pumps redistribute ions.
interior of the cell becomes less negative (addition of Na+) (excitatory)
interior of the cell becomes more negative (Loss of K+ or Cl- into cell) (inhibitory)
How can the CNS determine whether a stimulus is weak or strong?
AP’s are independent of stimulus strength - they are all alike in amplitude. So, the frequency of AP’s tells the CNS if the stimuli is strong or weak.