C1 Vocabulary Revision Flashcards
to switch sb on to sth
To make someone interested in something.
to figure sth out
To solve or understand something.
Feeling anxious or fearful about something.
Confused or disorganized in thought.
Excessively aware of oneself; awkward or insecure.
an eye-opener
A surprising revelation or realization.
to liaise with sb
To communicate and cooperate with someone.
Wealthy; having a lot of money.
to be on the point of sth
To be close to sth. (= to be on the verge of sth)
to be held up by sth
Delayed or impeded by something.
to get to grips with sth
To understand and deal with something.
a grasp of sth
Understanding or comprehension of something.
a course requirement
Mandatory condition for a course completion.
to make the best of sth
Try to find the positive side of a bad situation.
to snap sth up
To quickly acquire or take advantage of something.
to stand sb in good stead
To prepare or benefit sb for the future.
from all walks of life
From various backgrounds or professions.
part and parcel of sth
Essential or integral part of something.
to crop up
To appear unexpectedly or arise suddenly.
to take exception to sth
To object to something; be offended.
to take sth in one’s stride
To handle something calmly or effortlessly.
a workload
Amount of work assigned to someone.
to take one’s time doing/to do sth
To proceed slowly and carefully without rush.
to make time to do sth
To create an opening in one’s schedule to do sth.
Unyielding; refusing to change one’s mind.
Unable to rest; fidgety or anxious.
Lacking enthusiasm or effort; indifferent.
to scrape through
To barely succeed or pass something.
against the odds
Despite difficulties or challenges faced.
to shadow sb
To follow and observe someone closely.
Showing no pity or compassion; merciless.
Existing from birth; natural or inherent.
a barrister
A lawyer who represents clients in court. (<-> a solicitor)
to chop and change
Frequently change decisions or plans.
for a change
As something different or unusual
to make for a nice change
provides a refreshing or welcome difference
to go out of one’s comfort zone
Try unfamiliar or uncomfortable experiences.
to identify with sth
Relate or connect personally to something.
to cram sth
Fill or pack something quickly or tightly.
to cram A with B
Fill A completely with B.
rough and ready
Functional but lacking refinement.
Significant or considerable in amount.
Appearing externally, not necessarily reflecting reality.
to lump A in with B
Group A together with B without distinction.
to despise sth
Feel intense dislike or disdain for something.
to be disaffected by sth
Feel unsatisfied with authority.
to be fed up with sth
Tired or annoyed by something repetitive.
to see eye to eye with sb on sth
Agree completely on something.
to do as one is told
Follow instructions or orders.
to get one’s (own) way
Achieve what one desires or insists on.
to keep (oneself) to oneself
Avoid socializing or sharing personal information.
to rub sb (up) the wrong way
To give a bad impression on sb.
to do sth on a whim
Act impulsively without much thought.
to look up to sb
Admire or respect someone greatly.
to come across as sth
Appear or seem a certain way to others.
to take after sb
To be similar to an older relative.
to run in the family
To be a shared quality in the family.
high expectations
Strong hopes or demands for achievement.
to be committed to sth
Dedicated or devoted to a cause or action.
to commit to sth
Promise or bind oneself to an obligation.
to commit sth
Carry out or execute an action, especially a crime.
to be liable for sth
Legally responsible for something.
to go over old ground
Revisit previously discussed topics or issues.
to sneak
Move or act stealthily or secretly.
to astound sb
Greatly surprise or shock someone.
to snub sb
Ignore or treat someone disrespectfully.
to be caught unawares
Taken by surprise or unexpectedly.
to cotton on
Begin to understand or realize something.
to lurk
Remain hidden or stay in a place secretly.
to take notice of sth
Pay attention to something.
to make the best (out) of sth
Handle a bad situation optimistically.
to put sth into practice
Apply a concept or plan in real situations.
Defeated by a stronger force or influence.
to take off
Begin to succeed or gain popularity.
to resort to sth
Reluctantly choose an option without choice.
to swear by sth
Firmly believe in the effectiveness of something.
to have every intention to do/of doing sth
Fully determined or planned to act (usually unsuccessful).
every so often
Occasionally or at intervals.
a nuclear family
A household with parents and their children.
a basic need
Essential requirement for survival or well-being.
immediate family
Close relatives like parents, siblings, and children.
extended family
Relatives beyond the immediate family (e.g., cousins, aunts).
to get around to doing sth
experiencing similar difficulties or situations
an unorganized mess of objects
to be done for
to be in serious trouble or doomed
frustrated and annoyed, often to the limit
a hoarder
someone who collects and keeps excessive items
turn of phrase
wit; a clever way of expressing sth
a fanatic
an extreme enthusiast or devotee of something
excessively enthusiastic or passionate about something
to curl up
to sit or lie comfortably in a cozy position
overly concerned with details; hard to please
to make a fuss about sth
to complain or show excessive concern about sth
to be particular about sth
to be very selective or choosy
in the same boat
experiencing similar difficulties or situations
to get a buzz out of sth
to feel excitement or enjoyment from something
to compare A with/and B
to examine similarities or differences between A and B
to compare A to B
to liken A to B
to culminates in sth
to result in sth or produce sth in the end
to amount to sth
to become sth in the end
to be against sth
to oppose or disagree with something
tax evasion
illegally avoiding paying taxes owed
tax fraud
intentionally falsifying information to reduce taxes
to undermine sth
to weaken sth in strength or persuasiveness
to dismantle sth
to take apart or disassemble something
to opt for/to do sth
to choose sth/to do sth
to come up with sth
to generate or produce an idea or solution
to work sth out
to resolve or find a solution to something
to work on sth
to put effort into improving or completing something
“Try as one may/might,”
“Although one tried very hard,”
mysteriously strange or eerie, often beyond explanation
to may/might as well do sth
to do sth without enthusiasm
to relegate sb
to assign someone to a lower position or status
to allot sth to sb
to assign or distribute something to someone
to stifle sth
to suppress or restrain something forcefully
to slumber
to sleep (formal)
a bothersome or annoying person or thing
to make a case for sth
to argue in support of something
to hang on to sth
to keep something
as and when
whenever; as needed
by and large
generally; for the most part
off and on
occasionally; not consistently
touch and go
uncertain or risky situation
showing warmth and fondness towards someone
ready or eager to do something
minute (adj.)
small and subtle
to lose sleep over sth
to worry excessively about something (and perhaps not being able to sleep becaue of it)
to sleep in
to stay in bed later than usual
the onset of sth
the beginning or start of something
to back down
to withdraw from a position or commitment
to have a say in sth
to be able to participate in decision-making
made longer in time or form
covering a wide area; comprehensive
to bring sth under control
to manage or regulate something effectively
to drop hints
to give subtle clues or suggestions
significant in amount or importance.
related to substance; based on reality
excess amount beyond what is needed.
to make for sth
to be sth; to produce a result of sth
“It struck sb that …”
sb suddenly realized that …
occurring at a suitable time.
to instil a thought/belief/etc.
to cause sb to think or believe sth (often indirectly)
to make no difference
to have no effect or impact.
to make all the difference
to create a significant change or impact.
from sb’s point of view
according to someone’s perspective.
from sth point of view
considering a specific perspective.
to wipe sth out
completely eliminate or destroy something.
gradual wearing away of land or material.
produce (n.)
fruit, vegetables and other farmed food
to produce sth
to generate or create a specific item.
natural disaster of continued extremely dry weather
rare due to insufficient quantity
rather (adv.)
to a certain extent; somewhat.
to pollinate sth
transfer pollen to enable reproduction.
to trigger sth
to cause something to happen or start.
to be surplus to sth
to exceed what is necessary or required.
to be in excess of sth
to be greater than sth
safe and suitable for eating.
extremely embarrassed or ashamed.
to remind sb about sth
to help someone remember something.
to recall sth
to bring back memory.
to remember doing sth
to bring back memory.
to remember to do sth
to not forget to do sth.
to fall fast asleep
to quickly enter a deep sleep.
to fall back on sth
to rely on something in difficulty.
to fall prey to sth
to become a victim of something harmful.
“in reality”
in actual fact; truthfully.
regardless of sth
without consideration for something.
irrespective of sth
without consideration for something.
suddenly and unexpectedly.
straight to the point
“It remains to be seen whether/how/when …”
(fixed expression)
in all likelihood
very likely
to call for sth
to require or demand something.
to paid put to sth
to bring sth to an abrupt end
“in the unlikely/unfortunate event of sth”
(fixed expression)
to lose sleep over sth
to worry excessively about something.
to sleep over
to stay overnight at someone else’s place.
to sleep through sth
to remain asleep despite disturbances; to sleep during sth
to sleep rough
to sleep outdoors without proper shelter.
to fall through
to fail to happen or be completed.
to fall out with sb
to have a disagreement leading to a bad relationship.
to get sb’s message over/across
to make sb be understood
to get through to sb
to make sb understand/see one’s point of view
to bring sth up
to mention sth
to talk sb out of sth
to convince sb not to do sth
to talk sth over
to discuss sth in depth
to think sth over
to think deeply about sth, taking one’s time
to speak up
to speak loudly
to talk business
to discuss serious topics
to speak one’s mind
to express one’s thoughts openly
to know what one is talking about
to be knowledgeable about the topic
to give sth up
to quit or relinquish something
to like the sound of one’s voice
to enjoy talking excessively
to talk sb up
to praise someone (to make sb look good)
to speak on behalf of sb
to speak instead of sb / to represent someone’s views
needless to say
obviously; no further explanation required
to not be on speaking terms with sb
to not have a good realationship
to talk some sense into sb
to convince someone to act sensibly
“You can say that again!”
“I completely agree”
to speak highly of sb
to praise someone
to make smalltalk
to have casual, polite conversation
to go without saying
to be obvious or self-evident
to speak behind sb’s back
to talk negatively about someone to other people
almost; practically
to wind sb up
to irritate sb
trying to appear more important or knowledgeable
a flux in sth
a continuous change or movement in sth
able to read and write
noticeable in an unwelcome way
causing difficulty
personal aesthetics
one’s individual sense of style or taste
community membership
a state of belonging to a group or society
to revel in sth
to take great pleasure in something
a wealth of sth
a large amount or abundance of something
foundation (in knowledge)
to ground sth in sth
to base something on something else
most important or main
a fundamental belief or rule
to be stuck in a rut
to feel trapped in an unstimulating routine/life
tough going
difficult or challenging situation
to have time on one’s hands
to have free time
a payoff
a reward
to pay off
to yield results or be worthwhile
to come to a compromise/conclusion/agreement
to reach a shared decision
a setback
a delay or problem hindering progress
a means
a method or way to achieve something
a means to an end
a method used to achieve a goal, but not the goal itself
important towards a goal
from scratch
starting from the beginning
an incentive
a motivation towards an action
to narrow sth down to sth
to reduce the number of options to sth
unaware of something
ranging from A to B
including A, B and more
within the space/span of sth
within a duration
to account for sth
to explain the reason for something
to put forwad an explanation/a theory/a hypothesis/etc.
to propose an idea or argument
by nature
innately or inherently
to make the first move
to initiate action
to long to do sth
to strongly desire to do something
a strong desire or yearning
to stop doing sth
to stop an action
to stop to do sth
to stop one action with the purpose of doing another
to go on to do sth
to eventually do sth
to go on doing sth
to continue the current action
to mean to do sth
to intend to do something
to mean doing sth
to result in or require doing sth
to try to do sth
to attempt an action
to try doing sth
to experiment with an action
to be in high spirits
to feel happy and excited
to lose one’s cool
to become angry or upset
to be out of sorts
to feel out of focus or unwell
to mull sth over
to think about something carefully
to do one’s head in
to cause frustration, headache or confusion
to fly into a rage
to suddenly become very angry
in the heat of the moment
in the heat of the moment
on relection
looking back to sth
to brood over sth
to worry or be sad about sth for a long time
to snap at sb
to speak sharply or angrily
to be ratty
to be irritable or bad-tempered
to be beside oneself
to be extremely emotional, usually with anger or grief
to make a scene
to cause a public disturbance or drama
to pull oneself together
to regain control of one’s emotions
to get to sb
to affect someone emotionally
to get over sth
to recover from something, usually emotional
to deter sth
to discourage an action
the act of preventing or discouraging something
to be superseded by sth
to be replaced by something of better reason
extremely angry
to be in two minds
to be undecided
to be stranded
to be stuck without help
to well up
to begin to tear up
irritable and bad-tempered
to be moved
to feel strong emotions
a fianacial downturn
a decline in economic activity
a lookout
a prediction about the future
a breakthrough
a significant and sudden advancement
an insight
a deep understanding of something
very strong or extreme
requiring great effort
immature or silly
innocent or resembling a child in a good way
an occurrence
an event or happening
an incident
an event, usually serious
to differ from sth
to be unlike sth or distinct from sth
to differentiate
to recognize differences
finite in amount or quantity
limited to specific time, people, etc.
to feel at home
to feel comfortable or relaxed
to hit home
to fully realize something impactful
to home in on sth
to focus on something precisely
excessively protective of oneself in an argument; insecure
to internalise sth
to absorb an external idea and make it a part of oneself
able to move freely or easily
to uproot sb/sth
to remove from a familiar place
a hassle
a bother or inconvenience
a backwash effect of sth
an indirect, often negative consequence
to tag along
to accompany someone uninvited
on the spur of the moment (in the heat of the moment)
impulsively or suddenly
to pick sth apart
to critically analyze sth in detail
unsubtle; not attempting to hide (usually in wrongdoings)
to trespass
to enter without permission
to be in the picture
to be informed of or involved in a situation
careful or restrained
to stumble across/upon sth
to accidentally find sth
to tread on sth
to violate sth’s boundaries; to step on sth
a turnover
a rate of business revenue or employee replacement
a downturn
a decline, especially economically
to see sth through
to complete sth despite challenges
to see through sth
to not be fooled by sth (e.g. lies, deception, etc.)
to be in the black
financially profitable or debt-free
to be in the red
financially in debt
extremely poor, lacking necessities
lacking basic resources or benefits
lacking social or economic advantages
reduced to poverty
out of funds
wealthy or prosperous
tight-fisted (inf.)
unwilling to spend money
stingy or overly frugal (negative)
economical in spending (positive)
to live within/beyond one’s means
to spend within/above budget
to make ends meet
to be able to cover living expenses
a constraint
a limitation or restriction
suspicious or risky
to practise what one preaches
to act consistently with one’s advice
to take the plunge
to commit to a bold action (= to take a leap of faith)
highly profitable
to come by sth
to acquire or obtain, often accidentally
to get/hint at sth
to subtly imply something
to go for sth
to choose or attempt something
to catch fire
to start burning
to set sth on fire
to start a fire on sth
“one such sth”
“an example of sth”
other than sth
except or aside from something
rather than sth
instead of sth
to stand out from sth
to be noticeably different from others in sth (usually a crowd)
disturbing or unsettling
goods or benefits taken, usually from war, battle, etc.
a handout
(neg., inf.) a free item or donation
to be inundated with sth
to be overwhelmed by sth (work, responsibilities, etc.)
in name only
to despise sb
to strongly dislike or hate
the former
the first of two previously mentioned items
the latter
the second of two previously mentioned items
to be in the public eye
to be widely visible or famous
to toss and turn
to move restlessly in bed, not sleeping
to be symptomatic of sth
to be a symptom of sth
usual or traditional
to account for sth
to explain or justify sth
severe or intense
bad-tempered or unfriendly
bad-tempered or unfriendly
to make sb think of sth (because of one’s similarity to sth)
to remind sb about sth
to ensure that sb doesn’t forget sth
to keep sb on track
to ensure sb’s focus or progress
angered by perceived unfairness
intrusively curious or nosy
to learn sth by heart
to easily learn/memorize sth
to go ahead
to proceed with something
to spring up
to suddenly appear or emerge
to wobble
to shake unstably
to sway
to move horizontally
having a magical charm
long since
since a long time ago
to hear of sth
to learn of something’s existence
to hear about sth
to receive information or details about sth
to shout to sb
to call out to communicate or give information
to shout at sb
to yell in anger or frustration
to throw sth to sb
to give sth to sb via throwing
to throw sth at sb
to throw sth at sb’s general direction, often with the intention of hitting sb
to be anxious about sth
to be worried or concerned over something (future event)
to be anxious for sth
to be concerned for sth’s well-being
to care for sth
to maintain or like something
to care about sth
to feel concern or importance for something
to be within walking distance of sth
nearby, reachable on foot
to pride oneself on sth
to be proud of oneself for sth
to come down to sth
to be decided by sth
a staple
an essential or main item of sth (e.g. dietary staple)
the most (adj.) of (n., pl.)
some of the most (adj.) of (n.,pl.)
deepest or most private
boldly resistant or disobedient
an outburst
a sudden release of strong emotion
to call sth off
to cancel an event or action