C - Management & Care of young children undergoing surgery Flashcards
Whats the family-centre management for preparing a child for surgery?
- Be respectful of individual families’ needs and values
- Recognize that family is important for patient’s recovery
- Prepare family members for decision-making and caregiving demands
- Sharing decision making responsibility
- Effective and frequent open communication with family
- Facilitate participation in care
- Family involved in care provides emotional and social support and comfort
for patient - Family knows patient best, is the one constant throughout the critical illness
experience and most often represents the patient’s best interest. - Family being increasingly recognized as key stakeholders in patient safety
Nurses role in pain assessment & management POST-OP?
Pain assessment:
* Children don’t verbalize pain because their level of language is insufficient
* Variety of pain assessment scales
* Consider patient’s age, intellectual ability and conscious level of patient
Physiological indexes of pain
* In acute pain, there will be elevated HR, RR, BP
* Useful during surgery or when child is comatose
* When clinical signs are unclear, therapeutic trials of comfort measures, feeding and
analgesics may clarify the sources of distress
- Local: Topical formulations (Eg. AMETOP Gel/EMLA cream)
* Nonopioids: Oral Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketamine, Glucose
* Opioids: Morphine
* Epidural analgesia
* Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) for > 7years old
* Use of alternative method of pain control
What Pain Scale is used for neonates?
- Neonatal Infant Pain Score (NIPS)
How to assess?
Facial Expression
Breathing Patters
Arm and Leg Movements
C – Crying
R – Requires Oxygen to maintain saturation >95%
I – Increased Vital signs
E – Expression (facial)
S – Sleeplessness - Neonatal Facial Coding
- Facial expression
- Cry
When is the FLACC scale used and how isit used?
- Behavioral scale for assessment of post-op pain.
- Score (0-2) : look at their behaviour
- For patients who intubated, sedated or with developmental disabilities.
0: No particular expression
or smile
1: Occasional grimace or
frown, withdrawn, disinterested
2: Frequent to constant frown, clenched jaw,
quivering chin
0: Normal position or relaxed
1: Uneasy, restless, tense
2: Kicking or legs drawn up
0: Lying quietly, normal position, moves easily
1: Squirming, shifting back & forth, tense
2: Arched, rigid or jerking
0: No cry
1: Moans or whimpers, occasional complaints
2: Crying steadily, screams or sobs, frequent
0: Content, relaxed
1: Reassured by occasional touching, hugging/distraction
2: Difficult to console/comfort
When is the Wong-Baker FACES Pain Scale used & how isit used?
- Recommended for 2 years and older
- The child will point to describe how they are feeling
0 No pain (happy)
2 Hurts just a little bit
4 Hurts a little more
6 Hurts even more
8 Hurts a whole lot
10 Hurts as much as you can imagine
How to use the paeds Glasgow Coma Scale?
max score 15
eye opening 4
motor response 6
verbal 5
Describe & explain the types of head injuries.
- Concussion - impact to head
- Fractures
- Hematoma - localised blood collection in specific spaces around or within the brain
- Contusion - small bleeds & bruising of the brain tissue
Signs & symptoms of the different head injuries?
- concussion
- lose consciousness
- headache, dizziness
- nausea, vomiting - hematoma
- lose consciousness
- headache
- focal deficits: impairments that affect a specific fxn of the body - contusion
- lose consciousness
- CNS dysfunction
- seizures
What is the nursing management for Head Injury? (2++)
1 Perform neurological assessments!!!
* Conscious Level
* Motor responses: Muscle tone and Limb movement
* Brainstem reflexes: Pupillary reflex to Light
2 Monitor for complications
* Increased ICP
* Vital Signs (Cushing’s Triad)
- Observe for CSF/blood drainage from nose or ears
- If not contraindicated (eg. Spinal Collar), to keep head up 15-30 degrees - to improve venous return & decrease ICP
- Pain management
- Provide child and family teaching to allay anxiety
What is the Discharge Advice for Head Injury? (7)
- Monitor for unusual behaviors or speech
- Increasing headache
- Difficulty seeing or breathing
- Persistent vomiting
- Unsteady gait/balance
- Seizures
- Always sleepy or cant wake up from sleep