C - Growth & Development Theories & Principles Flashcards
Wk 1-2: CA
What are the 5 G&D theories?
- Gesell’s biophysical dev
- Erikson’s psychosocial dev
- Piaget’s cognitive dev
- Kohlberg’s moral dev
- Freud’s psychosexual dev
What’s Gesell’s theory of biophysical dev? (1)
How does growth occur? (2)
- every child has unique growth patterns, influenced by genetics & env
- cephalocaudally ( head > toes) & proximodistally (trunk > hands & feet)
What are the motor developments from infants till adolescents?
Infants: Birth - 1yr
Toddlers: 1-3yrs
Pre-schl: 3-6yrs
- hold good posture
- coordination, balance & rhythym improves
Adolescents: (start of puberty: 8-14) - (18-20) yrs
- Early: increased muscle mass & endurance
- Middle: increased speed & coordination + more competitive
- Late: precise hand eye coordination
What are the cognitive developments from infants till adolescents? Whose theory is it?
1. Sensorimotor: Birth - 2yrs (infants)
- how children develop thinking & understanding of their world
- use senses (sight, touch) to learn
- learn object permanence: smt is still thr even if you cant see it - peekaboo!
- Preoperational: 2-7yrs (toddlers, pre-schl)
- use symbols to represent words & ideas
- egocentricism: dont undst others POV
- create imaginary friends but can switch from fantasy to reality easily
- animism: believe objects have life-like qualities
- associative play: play together with friends doing the same activity - Concrete operational: 7-11 (schl age)
- begin to undst the world with words & images
- seriation: arrange things according to their common/diff traits
- qty of smt remains the same evn though it looks diff -> eg: 200ml of water stays the same when it is poured from a cup to a bucket - Formal operational: 11-adulthood
- begin to think abstractly
- concerned w societal issues & politics
What are the social developments from infants till adolescents? Whose theory is it?
What are the psychosocial developments from infants till adolescents? Whose theory is it?
Erikson’s theory of psychosocial dev!!!!!!!
BIRTH - 1 YR: Infant
Trust vs. Mistrust
- Needs met + sensitive caregiver
1 - 3 YRS: Toddler
Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
- allowed to make their own decisions
3 - 6 YRS: Pre-schl
Initiative vs. Guilt
- learn to initiate & plan activities
6 - 12 YRS: Schl
Industry vs. Inferiority
- encouraged to learn new skills
12 - 18 YRS:
Identity vs. Role Confusion
- encouraged to explore sense of self
18 - 40 YRS:
Intimacy vs. Isolation
- develop meaningful r/s
40 - 65 YEARS
Generativity vs. Stagnation
- contribute to society & is part of a community
65 & OLDER
Integrity vs. Despair
- satisfied with life’s accomplishments
What are the moral developments from infants till adolescents? Whose theory is it?
Kohlberg’s theory of moral dev!!!
1. Pre-Conventional (up to 9 yrs)
- dont undst right & wrong
- behaviour based on rewards & punishments
- Conventional (9-15 yrs)
- accepts societal values on right & wrong
- imitate their role model’s values
- learn to treat ppl like how they’d want to be treated - Post-Conventional (adulthood)
- develop their own values
- undst moral & ethical principles
What’s Freud’s psychosexual dev? What are the stages?
Psychosexual dev in diff parts of the body
5 stages.
Oral: birth - 1yr
- use mouth to explore world
Anal: 1-3yrs
- learn to control peeing and
- learn to delay gratification to please caregiver
Phallic: 3-6yrs
- learns sexual identity through awareness of genitals
Latency: 6-12yrs
- sexual urges latent -> energy spent on schoolwork, friendships & activities
Genital: 12-19yrs
- sexual urges reawakened
- sexual maturity, learn to establish
relationship with opposite sex
What are warning signs for an infant-toddler’s G&D?
Very irritable or inert; Stiff or floppy;
Cloudy or white pupil
Complete head lag; Hands always fisted;
Asymmetry of lack of movement of limbs;
No visual fixation; No social response
Any head lag; Moro reflex or asymmetric
tonic neck reflex persists; Poor social
response; Constant squint
Hand regard persists; No tuneful babbles;
Not smiling; Not chewing; Abnormal tone;
Constant use of 1 hand only
No imitating play or noises; No poking or
pincer grip; Not trying words; Not sitting
alone; Constant mouthing
No understanding of use or command;
Casting and mouthing; No spontaneous
words; Not standing alone
2 years
No words with meaning; Excessive
dribbling; Not walking alone; No
constructive play
3 years
Echolalia jargon; No sentences; Most
words unintelligible; Very clumsy
4 years
No cooperative play; Very immature
speech; Not drawing; No toilet
5 years
Marked confusion of sounds, grammar
and articulation; Very clumsy hands