Byvoeglike Naamwoorde Flashcards
When does a byvoeglike naamwoord have to change?
When it comes before the noun
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Single vowels
Double the consonant and add an e
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Twin vowels
Drop one vowel and add an e
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Double consonants
Add an e
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Single vowel that ends with f
Remove the f
Add wwe
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Twin vowel that ends with f
Remove the f
Add we
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Double consonant that ends with f
Remove the f
Add we
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Single vowel that ends with g
Add te
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Words ending in lik
Add an e
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Words that end with ig
Add an e
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Double vowel gerunds
Remove on vowel
Add ende
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Single vowel gerunds
Add ende
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Double vowel that ends with g
Remove the second vowel
Replace the g with ë
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Emphasised a and ends with g
Remove the g
Replace the second vowel with e
Give the byvoeglike naamworde:
Words that end on ng
Replace the g with k