Buzz Words Radiologic Findings Flashcards
Calcification of falx cerebri
Gorlin syndrome
Calcification of basal ganglia
Tuberous sclerosis, Gorlin syndrome, Cockayne syndrome
Calcification of dura (at tentorium and choroid attachments)
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
Calcification of hippocampus and amygdala
Lipoid proteinosis
Tram-track calcification (due to vascular malformations in cortex)
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Occipital exostoses (horns)
Occipital horn syndrome, Menkes disease
Thickening of calvarium
Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (Clouston), tuberous sclerosis
Radiolucent “punched out” osteolytic lesions often on skull
Multiple myeloma
Solitary or multiple “punched out” lesions, +/- sclerotic rim (skull, mandible, humerus, femur, rib)
Eosinophilic granuloma (form of LCH)
Wormian bones (additional intrasutural bones within skull)
Osteogenesis imperfecta, Menkes disease
Dysplasia of sphenoid wing (skull bone)
Neurofibromatosis I
Cranial and external auditory canal hyperostosis
Proteus syndrome
Beaded ribs
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Bifid (bifurcated) ribs
Gorlin syndrome
Supernumerary vertebrae
Incontinentia pigmenti