Business & Culture Flashcards
What is culture?
- Set of shared norms and values expressed in the behaviour of group members
- Unwritten rules of social interaction, collective programming
- Human nature, universal level: like all people
- Cultural: like some people
- Personality, personal identity: like no one
Iceberg model of culture
Visible culture (traditions customs, behaviours...) only small part Invisible culture (beliefs, assumptions, values...) bigger part
Hall - High/low context, Monochronic vs. polychronic, proxemics
Low context: direct/specific, honest and clear, verbal, what is important –> perceived as arrogant, rude, not taking interest
High context: indirect, harmony and face-saving, read between lines (non-verbal….), how is important –> perceived as vague, not careful, too curious
Monochronic: one thing at a time, time only usable once, program more important, punctuality
Polychronic: several things at a time, time is renewable, relationships important, changes are okay
High contact: standing close is positive (all about relationships)
Low contact: standing close is negative
Relationship with nature
- Mastery: can and should control nature
- Harmony: should work with nature to maintain balance
- Subjugation: must submit to nature
Nature of Humana activity
- Doing: task oriented, live to work, set goals and take action, satisfied with well done job
- Being: relation oriented, work to live, events flow spontaneously, motivation through positive atmosphere
Relationship with time
- Past: based on tradition
- Present: short term planning, live for moment
- Future: goal oriented, invest for future
Relationships between people
- Individualism: individual independence, equality, defined by personal achievements
- Collectivism: interdependence, belonging and responsibility towards group, defined by membership to group
Individualism: individual development important
Collectivism: do what is good for the group
High power distance: boss clear and detailed, micromanaging
Low power distance: give room to improve, personal decisions
Masculinity: performance, assertive, competitive, money and status
Feminine: life-work balance, quality of life, nurturing and caring
Low uncertainty avoidance: change is welcome, innovation, not too much rules
High: strong need for rules and laws
Short term vs. long term orientation
Indulgence: realise impulses and desires, optimism, act as they please, leisure time important
Restraint: pessimism, control gratification of desires, less emphasis on leisure time
Universalists: do the right thing (right and wrong is fixed), rules over relationships
Particularists: relationship over rules, fit actions to particular situation
Communitarianism: group over individual
Individualism: personal freedom and achievement
Neutral: don’t express emotions easily
Emotional: emotions can be shown
Specific: business and private separated
Diffuse: business and private not separated
Achievement: personal achievements count
Ascription: gender, age, position, status … important
Internal orientation: humans control environment
External orientation. environment influences humans
Sequential vs. Synchronic (concept of time)