Business Analytics Flashcards
The concept of analytics
A broader term which describes the various methods of analysis used to understand a particular phenomenon
It captures the different aspects of business problem solving
Burdened analytics refers to all the methods and techniques that are used by an organisation to measure performance
Contain statistical methods that can be applied to a specific project, process or product
They can be used to address problems within the entire company
Performed in order to indenting weaknesses in existing processes and highlight meaningful data that will help an organisation prepare for future growth and challenges
What kind of problems do we want to solve
Companies who have analytical maturity (understanding of goals) analytics strategy builds on SMART goals
S: specific (certain area for improvement
M: measurable (by defining specific targets to measure)
A:assignable (who is going to solve it?)
R:realistic (what should be expected subject to a time plan)
T:time related (when are the results going to be delivered)
Types of analytics
Exploratory : identifying variables measures and type of data
-identification of coding errors
-data quality issues
Data completeness
Explanatory : extract some explanation as to what affects these variables (e.g. What is the relationship between sales and time)
Predictive: build a model and validated its relevance
Prescriptive: assess the economic significance of the model and implement it In a model lifecycle
4 Vs and explanatory analytics
Volume- size: how many observations, are they all uniform ? How many are missing ?
Velocity- time: how fast are the data coming? How often does the database change
Variety - how many types of data do we have ? Are they all structured?
Veracity - accuracy: how accurate are the data ? (E.g. Age in years or through DOB
Predictive analytics
Two main approaches
Value protection- (in case of a continuous variable ) of the actual value with some confidence interval
Classification-(in the case of finding out the class of this variable) -nominal :true or false Ordinal : a rank for this variable or a score -probabilistic : 20% likelihood for class A
Challenges in prescriptive analytics
Optimisation of one measure in expense of the other (internal cannibalisation)
Godhards law: when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure
Data silos: when different stakeholders have to be involved and don’t want to share data with other department
Cost of implementation out performs the pay off