Burnout Flashcards
Prevalence of Burnout and Overtraining
As the pressure to win increases, athletes and coaches spend more time training and feel more stress— which sometimes leads to overtraining and burnout. Specializing early puts them in a situation where their bodies cannot cope with stress 
• Periodizedtraining
The deliberate strategy of exposing athletes to high- volume and high-intensity training loads that are followed by a lower training load (a rest or taper) During high peak- extremely emotional, before taper
A short cycle of training during which athletes expose themselves to excessive training loads that are near maximum capacity Coach doesn’t know it is occurring, get a athlete that will break earlier- extra recovery Not ready for next phase.. Worse preform acne over time without recovery One athletes overtraining might be another athletes optimal training regimen The process of overtraining can result in positive adaptation and improved performance (positive training) or maladaptive and decreased performance ( negative overtraining )- recovery not long enough for that individual
Staleness:Thephysiologicalstateof overtraining in which the athlete has difficulty maintaining standard training regimens and can no longer achieve previous performance results Not a slump( motivation)
Burn out
Burnout:A psychophysiological response due to frequent but generally ineffective efforts to meet excessive demands, involving a psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical withdrawal from an activity in response to excessive stress or dissatisfaction 
Characteristics of Burnout
• Exhaustion,both physical and emotional,in the form of lost concern, energy, interest, and trust • Depersonalization—acting impersonal and unfeeling—in large part due to mental and physical exhaustion • Feeling of low personal accomplishment, low self-esteem, failure, and depression— often visible in low job productivity or a decreased performance level  If athletes don’t seek help the cycle will continue and they will be clinically depressed
Models of Burnout
• Cognitive–affective stress model • Negative-training stress response model • Unidimensional identity development and external control model • Commitment and entrapment theory • Self-determination theory Stress, motivations how does it cause burn out, no one is more correct
Cognitive–affective stressmodel
Negative-Training Stress Response Model
• Focuses on physical training(but recognizes the importance of psychological factors). • Physical training stresses the athlete physically and psychologically and can have positive and negative effects. • Positive adaptation is desirable. • Negative adaptation is undesirable(leads to overtraining, staleness, and burnout). 
Unidimensional Identity Development and External Control Model
• For Coakley(1992)stress is involved in burnout, but it is only a symptom. • The real causes of burnout deal with faulty identity development and external control of young athletes. More about who your are, how you feel about yourself and perceived control Doesn’t suggest stress causes burnout like the other models do
Unidimensional Model Burnout Causes
• The structure of sport prevents young athletes from spending enough time with peers outside of sport.-Athletic identity • This causes a sole focus on identifying with athletic success, which can be unhealthy, especially when failure or injury occurs. No balance, all efforts into physical training, control and decision abilities are limited • The social worlds of young athletes are organized in such a way that their control and decision making are inhibited.- Problems with < 18 Not meeting their identity - burn out phase
Commitment and Entrapment Theory
Stress based model • Burn out is explained within the context of sport commitment. -Social factors parental expectation, Athletic identity • Burnout occurs when athletes become entrapped in sport and feel they must play even though they lose motivation for participation.- Introjected extrinsic motivation Social pressures are so high that they are not able to leave the sport 
Self-Determination Theory
• People have three basic psychological needs: Autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Move Into extrinsic motivation state we expose ourself to stress of have to and turns To burn out • Those who do not have these basic needs met will be more prone to burnout.
Factors Leading to Burnout
• Athletes are starting to train at younger ages. • Training in many sports is virtually year- round.-Put yourself in a conditioned where you are under recovered- When are you recovery from sport. No recovery is burnout Gymnastics diving and swimming. High burn out, peak early Staleness  Erratic play,- poor decision making, more injury prone then typical Travel and time depends Coach vs parent with athlete in the middle More competitive creates stress and burnout
Signs of Overtraining
1-2 days beyond that is a concern • Apathy-Motivated behaviours • Lethargy- Tired • Weight loss- Burning energy you don’t have • Mood changes