BUMEDINST 6280.1C - Management of Regulated Medical waste Flashcards
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is the BUMNEDINST 6280.1C ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Personnel outside of the U.S. and its territories must adhere to which regulated medical waste standards ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
If a host nation does not exsist, then they must follow the Eviornmental Baseline Guidance Document
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Which of the following activities are mandated to follow standards in BUMEDINST 6280.1C ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Army Veterinary facilities aboard Navy Shore Installations
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How many groups of Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) are there ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What RMW group is Animal waste ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How many Biosaftey levels are outlined in BUMEDINST 6280.1C ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
1-4 Levels
Level 4 is the most strigent of all the levels
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Which Biosafety level applies to dangerous agents that pose high individual risks of life-threatening disease, which may be transmitted via the aerosol route and for which there is no available cure ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Biosafety Level 4
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is the term for a solid waste which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical chemical and infectious characteristics. May cause or signifigantly contribute to an increased mortality, illness, or pose a potential hazard to human health or the environment ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Hazardous Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What type of waste is produced by BSL (4) from infected people and animals ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Isolation waste -
This includes bedding from pateints or animals in a BSL (4) area. Examples are: Materials contaminated with blood, Secretions from humans who are isolated to protect others from highly communicable diseases.
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Of the following:
- Soiled diapers
- Facial tissue used to clean face prior to surgery
- Bandages with small amounts of blood
- Operating Room Bedding
Which is not considered to be NON-regulated Medical Waste?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Operating Room Bedding
NON-regulated medical waste is treated like regular waste (Trash)
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
When handling Chemotherapeutic pharmaceuticals, in order for the prodct to be disposed of as trace chemowaste and classified as empty , the item should be less than what prcent (%) of its full capacity remaining ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
3% -
Any items not included in this percentile must be discarded has Bulk Chemotherapy waste per. refecence C
Needles, Empty Vials, Syrnges, gowns and tubing are all included
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Who provides day-to-day management of the RMW (Regulated Medical Waste) program at their parent command and overseas subordinate commands ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Enviornmental Program Manager - Duties include proper segregation, collection, storage, preperation, transportation and recordkeeping of RMW
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
A newly appointed Environmental Program Manager (EPM) has to attend training within what time frame if they have not been previously trained ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
1 Year
Per refence (a)
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How often must the Enviornmental Program Manager (EPM) visit and assess enviornmental compliance posture of each subordinate command ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Trace chemotherapy waste is required to be placed in a biohazard container that are clearly marked “BIOHAZARD” ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Reference (c)
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Non-sharp RMW bags must be red pr what other color ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What must be done with pathological waste if it is to be maintained on site for more than 24HRS ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Place in frozen storage
reference (B) pathological waste must be refrigerated upon generation
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Extracted teeth with amalgam is considered which type of waste ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Dual waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Extracted teeth sent to a dental laboratory for shade or size comparisons, should be cleaned and surface-disfected with what level of EPA registered disinfectant ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Intermediate - level
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Bulk blood can be disposed of via sanitary sewer unless prohibited by more stringent regulations.
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How should Animale waste be handled ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Segregated from other RMW and incinerated
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
When handling isolation waste (group 6) who should be contatced ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Infection control officer
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is Group 6 of the RMW ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How long can frozen patholocail waste remain on-site if not dictated longer by local regulations ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
30 Calendar days
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Regulated Medical waste signs that are Orange or Orange-Red must be legible at what distance ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
5 Feet
Reference (b)
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Pthological waste may be incinerated or disposed of by what other means ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Treated by steam sterilization followed by incineration or grinding
Described in paragraph 4B(3)
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is group 3 of RMW ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Blood and Blood Products
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
In addition to steam sterilization, whihc is the best disposal method that can be used for blood products, sharps, animal waste, isolation waste, or chemotherapy trace waste ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
In the absence of manufactrer recommendations, what specofocations should be used for steam sterilization ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Steam at 121 (C) or 250 (F) for 90 minutes at 15psi
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How often must Geobacillus Stearothermophuilus spore strips be used to test the sterilization process ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Employees responsible for the packaging of RMW for off-site transport must recieve a refresher training, how often ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Every 24 Months
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is the minimal interval in which facilities must develop a Medical waste management plan ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Every Year
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How long must training records for RWM be maintained from the date of training ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
3 Years
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
How long must facilities maintain RMW shipping documents and manifests after the waste was accepeted by the transporter ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
2 Years
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is RMW group 1 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Cultures, Stocks and Vaccines
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is RMW Group 2 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Pathological Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is RMW Group 3 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Blood and Blood Products
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is RMW Group 4 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Used Sharps
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
,BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is RMW group 4 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Used Sharps
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is RMW Group 7 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Unused Sharps
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
What is RMW Group 8 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Other -
including fluids that are designated by the local infection control authroity
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Which of the follwoing is RMW Group 9 ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Chemotherapy trace waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
BUMEDINST 6280.1C (DEC2016)
Which instruction provides guidance for the disposition of extracted teeth with amalgam restorations ?
Management of Regulated Medical Waste
Management of Regulated Medical Waste