BSCE II Flashcards
Voluntary opening of the upper eyelid is produced by motor innervation from which nerve?
Oculomotor (CN III)
- eyelid opening via levetor palpebrae
- Also does eye movement (SR, IR, MR, IO), pupil constriction, accomodation

Describe rhematoid factor
IgM autoantibody against IgG Fc region
-it’s directed against determinants on the immunoglobulin molecules gamma chain
What does it mean if P value = 0.01
If P value ≤ 0.05 –> reject the null
- Null is that there is no sig diff bw groups
- if you reject null –> means there is a sig difference
Which types of parasides have indirect life cycle, why?
Indirect life cycles
- req 2 host stages
- Definitive host
- Where repro and adult life phase take place
- Intermediate host
- Where development occurs and then transmitted back to definitive host
- Definitive host
- Facilitates disease transmission in the form of vectors
- Ex) mosquitos, plasmodium, leishmania

How long do panic attacks last
they peak in 10 mins
-does not last for days at all
Which cell responsible for the regeneration of peripheral axons?
Schwann cells
- each schwann cell myelinates only 1 PNS axon
- injured in GBS

What describes the therapeutic result of cognitive behavioral therpay
Cognitive restructuring
-(Not extinction– that is from discontinuing + or - reinforcement which eventually eliminates the behavior)- in operant conditioning
By what age should a baby develop object permanence
Beta-hCG is structurally similar to which other hormones..and therefore has the activity of those hormones
- LH –> stim progesterone secr from corpus luteum
The denaturation of proteins always leads to (rev/irrev) loss of secondary and tertiaty structure?
The stability of quaternary structure in proteins is d/t what type of bonds holding the subunits together?

Which type of bonds stabilize the alpha helix?
-alpha helix and beta sheets are secondary xtures

In a P/A xray of wrist
-which bone is superimposed on the other?
Pisiform is superimposed on the triquetrium

Venous plexus of batson
serves as conduit for cancer cells to travel from one part of body to another
-particular prostatic adenocarcinoma

The confluence of dural sinus is assoc with which bone

A lesion in the corticospinal tract would product what?
UMN syndrome

Which zone is affected most by hypoxia

Zone III = hepatocytes closest to the central vein
-hepatocytes closest to the portal triad are least susceptible
Where are ketone bodies synthesizes?

Which nerves responsible for erection?
pelvic sphanchnic nerves (S2-S4)
- NO –> vasodiltion –> proerectile
- NE is anti erectile
- erection is parasymp

Which xture can interact to produce leucine zipper xture
alpha helix (not beta sheet)

Which N is big toe pain
L5 dermatome

What is initial product of FA synth?
Palmitate 16c

stab would in left 5th intercostal space just lat to sternum would hit what?
Right ventricle

What does a nucleosome consist of?
8 histone core
DNA looped around

What test do you run in order to detect trinucleotide repeat disease before showing sx?
How do you know how many barr bodies are present?
of X chroms - 1
- stab wound on L lat neck
- L ptosis
- L side of face is flushed
What was damaged?
Superior cervical ganglion
- located on lat neck
- forms facial N

Poison ivy is which type of HSN?
Type IV
- Th cells recognize Ag and release inflamm inducing cytokines
- there is also a cytotoxic T cells response
What do you see in a pt w/ von gierkes disease
Von gierkes disease (Glucose-6-phosphatase def)
- G6P builds up –> shunt to incr glycogen synth (not to gluconeogenesis, can’t make glucose)
- hypoglycemia
- hepatomegaly (incr glycogen storage in liver)
- Lactic acidosis
- impaired gluconeogenesis
- incr uric acid (gout)
When does myelination begin and end?
Begins in 4th fetal months
ends- a while after birth

Which organisms do you stain with Giemsa?

Kid dark urine upon standing, and arthralgias, and blue hands
- see incr homogentistic acid
- AA affected is tyrosine because it’s defect in tyrosine degradation pathway

In alkaptonuria which AA is affected?
-see black urine, arthralgias, blue CT (hands, ears)

Boy, self mutilation, orange crystals in diaper
Leish Nyhann
-HGPRT def (converts guanine–> GMP, hypoxanthine –> IMP)

In Leish Nyhann, what is deficient?

What does HGPRT do?
- Guanine –> GMP
- Hypoxanthine –> IMP
Def in leish Nyhann (self mutilation, kid, arthralgia, blue CT)

How do you differentiate bw child abuse and osteogenesis imperfecta?
Check eyes (blue sclera) and teeth (wears easily bc lack dentin)

What is defect in osteogenesis imperfecta
Decrease synth of type I collagen (collagen is normal, just less of it)

Which disease is d/t defect in endochondrial ossificationn?

Pee smells like it’s burnt
Maple syrup urine disease
-defective enzyme = Branched chain alpha keto DHase

Defective enzyme is maple syrup urine disease
Branched chain alpha keto DHase (cause build up of BCAA- isoleu, leu, val)
Cystathione synthase deficiency, what accumulates?
homocystine and methionine
-diag is homocystinuria

Incr homocystine
marfanoid habitus
lens subluxation
-some sx similar to marfans (but lens subluxation is diff direction)

Patient has skin changes and mental issues. Which vit is def?
Niacin (B3)
-Niacin derived from tryptophan

Which AA is affected in niacin deficiency?

Blocks thymidylate synthase –> so can’t make dTMP (thymidine) from dUMP

Kid is biting his lips and has crystals in urine
Lesh Nyhan
In which vitamin def do you get dry mouth?
Vit A
TATA box
- AT rich seq ( 2 bonds so easily separated)
- In promotor region of euk
-Involved in initiation of transcription

tRNA anticodon is read from (3’-5’/ 5’-3’) end?

What does PCR require in order to begin

What are the thinks PCR needs in order to work?

How do you break of respiratory mucus production in a CF pt?
cleave disulfide bonds –> breaks up mucin
In N-linked glycosylation, oligosaccharides are added to which AA?

Bleeding gums
Which vit def?
vit C (scurvy)
What type of AA is lysine? (Essential, acidic, basic)
Essential and basic

What kind of mutation leads to PKU?
Point mutation of phenylalanine hydroxylase

From which organelle does energy come from?
Which organelle is on left side of the picture?

Which organelleis this?

Which organelle packages enzymes?
Which organelle is in the center of the image?

-where enzymes are packaged
Name this organelle

-where enzymes are packaged
What enables cells to communicate and have the same voltage?
Gap junctions

What prevents transmigration of solute bw cells?
Tight junctions

What are the differences and similarities bw proks and euks regarging orgins of replication?
Both proks and euks have ORIs
proks- single ORI
euks- mult ORI
Just an EM example

ER electron micrograph example

Where are proteins made in the cell?

After protein leaves the ribosome what is it bound it?
Singnal recognition particle (SRP)
SRP = abundant cytosolin ribonucleoprotein that traffics proteins from the ribosome to the rER.

Where does N-linked glycosylation occur?

What happens if you block the Na+/K+ pump?

In what genetic disease do you see cafe-au-lait spots?

What type of inheritance is neurofibromatosis
Autosomal dominant

What type of mutation does UV radiation cause?
Thyimine-Thymine dimers
2 kids hada disease, 1 had it move severe than the other.
Which genetic term describes this?
Variable expressivity
Kid starting to eat much more and had hypotonia
Prader wili (imprinting defect)

What type of pedigree is this?

Kidney bx below
-What does histo show? Diag? What condition assoc?

Shows wire-looping of caps
Diag: Diffuse prolif GN
assoc w/ SLE
- 26-yo m c/o progressively worsening vision in R eye & slightly decr balance over the past few mo
- Ophthalm exam reveals the image shown.
- MRI of the brain shows a small, vascular mass in the cerebellum.
- cavernous hemangioma on the pts R arm.
- Father suffered similar decline in vision and was treated surgically.
Diag? What other sx?

Von hippel lindau syndrome
- hemangioblastoma (incr vascularity)- see in retina, brain
- Cerebellar mass- ataxia
- Angiomatosis- skin
- B/L renal cell carcinoma– see hematuria
- Pheochromocytoma
d/t deletion on chrom 3

- Shows B/L mult cysts
- sx: hematuria HTN, urinary freq
- Mut PDK1 chrom 16
- Assoc w/ berry aneurysm –> rupture cause brain bleed/hemorrhagic stroke