BRS Head/Neck Flashcards
Damage to the external laryngeal nerve does what?
Affects the crycothyroid muscles which leads to tension.
What does the superior laryngeal artery run with?
Internal laryngeal nerve.
External laryngeal nerve runs with what?
Superior thyroid artery.
Internal laryngeal runs with what?
Superior laryngeal artery.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve runs with what?
Inferior thyroid artery.
What does the glossopharyngeal supply?
Sensory innervation to nasopharynx. Vagus supplies lower pharynx.
Deep cervical artery is a branch of what?
Costocervical trunk.
Superior laryngeal nerve supplies what?
inferior pharyngeal constrictor. x
Recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies what?
All the arytenoid muscle. Thyro, post. Crico, lateral crico…
Rupture of the middle meningeal artery leads to what?
Bleeding in the subpial.
What is immediately anterior and inferior to the pituitary fossa?
sphenoid sinus.
What bone is the pituitary fossa a part of?
What muscle is responsible for tension in vocal cords?
cricothyroid, innervated by ext. laryngeal
Internal laryngeal nerve does what?
sensation above true vocal cords
recurrent laryngeal nerve does what?
posterior cricyarytenoid and vocalis muscles
The great vein of Galen drains into what?
The dural venous sinuses.
Tympanic nerve is a branch of what?
Is vagus efferent or afferent?
The abducens goes through the SOF and what?
The common tendinous ring.
What are the three stylo muslces?
- stylohyoid (facial nerve)
- styloglossus (hypoglossal)
- stylopharyngeus (glossalpharyngeal)
Inferior meatus drains what?
Middle meatus drains what?
Superior meatus drains what?
- nasolacrimal duct
- frontal, middle ethmoidal cells, anterior ethmoidal, maxiallary sinus
- posterior ethmoidal cells.
What type of innervation is hypoglossal?
What is in the carotid sheath?
- internal jugular vein
- common carotid (and internal carotid)
- vagus nerve
What nerves carry secreto motor fibers to the lacrimal gland?
facial, greater petrosal, videon, maxillyary, zygomatic, zygomaticotemporal, terminal portion of lacrimal