Compare the health of people from 5000 BCE with the people from 4000 BCE
AROUND 5000 BCE people of the UAE had a good diet and were generally healthy. However, after 4,000 BCE, the climate became drier. Evidence from skeletons showed that life become vey tough as the climate became drier. People were struggling to have enough to eat, and diseases became more common.
why did climate become drier arond 4000bce?
The Indian Ocean monsoon began to move south to its current position. This meant that the area received less rain. The climate started to become similar to today’s climate in the UAE.
How did the change in climate change where people lived?
After less rain came, the number of people living in the area declined. People could live inland only part of the year, after rains fell and grasslands grew for a short time.
did ppl grow crops in uae??????
Even with less rain, people of the ancient UAE did start growing crops. The earliest evidence we have of growing crops in the UAE area is from Hilli in Al Ain, in about 3,000 BCE. The people there grew a variety of crops.
One of the important crops was the date palm,. People also grew wheat and barley.
how did the ppl obtain water?
To grow crops, people had to obtain fresh water, as there wasn’t enough fresh water from rain. The people dug wells to bring fresh water from under the ground to the surface. Then, people poured the water in to channels that would move it to the fields. As time went on, people in the UAE developed increasingly more efficient ways of obtaining water.
how did people gain food?
agriculture was established in the ancient UAE around 3,000 BCE, people still gathered food in traditional ways. They gathered wild plants and fruit. People also hunted animals, such as oryx, gazelles, and wild camels. People living in villages on the coast and islands developed efficient ways of catching large fish.
what about pastoral nomads
The pastoral nomads who moved with their sheep and goats across the landscape during the winter and summer continued their lifestyle, probably trading with new villages like Hilli.
what animals wre used for transport in 3000bce?Why was it still difficult to travel from Al Ain across the desert?
By ,3000 BCE, donkeys were used for transporting goods along the coasts and around the edges of the mountains. However, getting across the sand dunes from Alain region to either the Abu Dhabi regions was still difficult until people domesticated the camel.
what is umm-an-nar society?why is it unique?
The society in the UAE area around 2,500 BCE is Often called the “Umm an Nar, near Abudhabi. The Umm an Nar Culture was quite unique, especially for its time. There was more of a sense of equality between people. This was very different than how people treated each other in areas like Mesopotamia or Egypt at that time.
impact of bronze age on umm an nar
In about 3,000 BCE , the Bronze age began with the Umm an- Nar society playing a prominent role in the Bronze age. During the Bronze age (about 3000 -1,200 BCE), people used Bronze more and more instead of using stone for tools and weapons.
whr did ppl obtain coppwr frm?
Al Hajar mountain range contains massive amounts of copper, which people learned to mine and turn into pure copper.
why did mesapotamia trade with the ummnnar
Mesopotamia, the strongest empire in the area at that time, needed copper to make weapons and agricultural tools. Since there is no copper in Mesopotamia, people came to the Umm an Nar society to trade for it.
what is proof to say mesapotamia traded with umm an nar
Records from Mesopotamia showed that it traded a lot with the Umm an-Nar people.One text from just after the Umm an-Nar period records a single shipment of over 18 tonnes (18,000 kg) of copper.When merchants came to the UAE to trade for copper, they brought beautiful ceramic vessels, ivory combs, and decorated beads. Examples of those were found in the Umm an-Nar tombs.
How do the researchers know that the hardened chunks of bitumen (a form of crude oil) are part of a boat?
There were impressions of ropes and timber inside of it. There were barnacles on the outside.
How did the people from the stone Age use bitumen to make boats?
They heated solid bitumen until it melted, then spread it over the reeds.
What power did the Stone age boat builders take advantage of?
What were the hulls made of ?
Construction reeds, purified bitumen, palm trees, palm fibre rope.
How did the wooden frame allow the Magan boats to be used for the copper trade?
It could carry heavy loads of copper
What positions did the Umm an-Nar have in trade that the UAE still has today?
A linkage between east and west.