Bronchodilators, Corticosteroids, and the Pharmacotherapy of Asthma and COPD Flashcards
Drug List 1
- b agonist Bronchodilators
- Short-acting b agonists (SABA)
- Albuterol, others
- Long-acting b agonists (LABA)
- Salmeterol, formoterol
- Emergency, non-selective b agonist
- Epinephrine
- Short-acting b agonists (SABA)
- Muscarinic Antagonists
- Ipratropium, tiotropium
- Methylxanthine
- Theophylline
Drug list 2
- Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS)
- Beclomethasone
- Budesonide
- Ciclesonide
- Flunisolide
- Fluticasone
- Mometasone
- Triamcinolone
- Oral Corticosteroids
- Methylprednisolone
- Prednisone
Drug List 3
- Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist (LTRA)
- Montelukast
- Zafirlukast
- Cromolyn compounds
- Cromolyn sodium
- Anti-IgE Antibody
- Omalizumab
- In allergic asthmatics patients, immediate hypersensitivity-type reactions can be continuously present at a sub-threshold level, resulting in mild-to-moderate inflammation without overt bronchoconstriction.
- Overt bronchospasm then occurs upon exposure to a specific allergen or to a variety of nonspecific stimuli, e.g., cold air, dust, air pollution, exercise, etc.

Inflammatory Mediators in Asthma
- Enormous variety of mediators are released. Thus, blocker of a single mediator, e.g., antihistamine, is unlikely to be effective in alleviating the symptoms or the progression of asthma.
- Corticosteroids, which are capable of blocking many key steps in the inflammatory process, come closest to this ideal therapy.
Mast Cell Mediators of Inflammatory Processes
CLASS: Preformed (immediate)
MEDIATOR : Histamine,TNF-alpha Proteases, Heparin
EFFECTS: Bronchoconstriction, itch, cough, vasodilation, edema
Mast Cell Mediators of Inflammatory Processes
CLASS: Lipids (minutes)
MEDIATOR : Leukotrienes, Prostaglandins
EFFECTS: Bronchoconstriction,chemotaxis, mucus secretion
Mast Cell Mediators of Inflammatory Processes
CLASS: Cytokines (hours)
MEDIATOR: Interleukins, GM-CSF
EFFECTS: Bronchoconstriction. chemotaxis, inflammatory cell proliferation
Mast Cell Mediators of Inflammatory Processes

Normal Airway vs Airway in Asthma

Aerosol Delivery of Drugs
Factors to Consider
- Particle size of aerosol is important.
- Rate of breathing and breath holding.
- Even under ideal conditions, 90% of inhaled drug is swallowed.
- Therefore, ideally the best drugs also have poor absoption from the GI tract and/or rapid first-pass metabolism in the liver.
Particle Size in Inhalers

Aerosol Delivery of Drugs
- Metered Dose Inhalers (MDI)
- with spacer device
- Nebulizers
- Dry powder inhalers

Classifying Astham Severity in youths 12 and Older

Stepwise Approach for Managing Astham in youths 12 and Older

Stepwise Treatment: Kids 5 - 11

Beta-Adrenergic Agonists
- Therapeutic Use in Asthma and COPD:
- Drug of choice for rapid relief of bronchospasm
- Highly effective and safe for intermittent, prophylactic treatment of asthma.
- Current Emphasis:
- Intermittent use on an as-needed basis for relief of acute, severe bronchospasm. Not general prophylaxis.
Beta-Adrenergic Agonists
- Side effects intensify will overuse, but a greater danger is the tendency to continue to self-medicate during periods when symptoms are escalating.
- To avoid a medical emergency, patients should be encouraged to seek medical attention as soon as possible after they detect a decline in the efficacy of their usual therapeutic regimen.
Beta-Adrenergic Agonists
Mechanism of Action:
Mechanism of Action:
- Stimulate b2-adrenergic receptor on surface of bronchiolar smooth muscle cells.
- b2-adrenergic receptor couples to Gs protein and activates adenylyl cyclase enzyme leading to increased cellular levels of cyclic AMP.
- Cyclic AMP stimulates phosphorylation cascade that leads to decreased intracellular calcium and smooth muscle relaxation.
- Also inhibit mediator release from mast cells.
Selectivity of
Beta-Adrenergic Agonists
- Selectivity means these agonists have higher affinity, and thus, higher potency at b2-adrenergic receptors than at b1-adrenergic receptors.
- Selectivity helps limit side effects mediated by activation of b1-receptors
Beta 2-Receptor Selectivity

Rapid Acting-Short Duration
Beta 2-Adrenergic Agonists
- Albuterol onset<15 min duration: 2-4 hr
- Levalbuterol same
- l-isomer of albuterol
- Pirbuterol same
- Terbutaline same
- These agents are used as “rescue inhalers”. They are relatively fast at relieving bronchospasm, but have a relatively short duration of action.