Bronchiectasis Flashcards
What is bronchiectasis
- repeated infection in the airways resulting in damage and dilation of airways
- due to accumulation of pus in dilated bronchi
- due to inflammatory changes in lung and pleura surrounding dilated bronchi
MCC of bronchiectasis
main physical sign of bronchiectasis
coarse crackles, clubbing
gold standard of confirmation
mild sputum production
<15 cc
15-150 cc
>150 cc
diagnostic evaluation
first do a sputum culture, check IG level, check AAT deficiency
first line Abx tx
amox, clarithromycin in PCN allergic
cipro for psuedomonas plus another abx like colistin or gentamycin (requires long term)
mucolytic agents
nebulize hypertonic saline or mannitol
PEP device
positive expiratory pressure
do bronchodilators/ICS work?
not really, main thing is to suppress bacterial growth
cystic fibrosis
cystic fibrosis transmembrnae conductance regulator (CFTR) affected
- results in defective production of CFTR leading to faulty transport of salt
- mucus dries out
- bilateral polyps
how to dx CF?
sweat chloride test >70mEq
pts with CF are nutrient deficient for
- lipase/amylase
- fat soluble vitamins (A/K/E/D)
bronchiectasis presents w/
- cough
- increased sputum
- massive hemoptysis
- crackles