Brodmann’s Areas Flashcards
Brodmann map
divides brain into 52 areas based on brains, gross anatomy and cellular structure of brain
frontal lobe
prefontal cortex
BA 9-12 and 45-47
involved with cognition, personality, decision making and social behavior
frontal eye fields
BA 8
controls eye movements; involved in uncertainty and hope
damage results in eyes deviating toward the side of injury
Broca’s Area
BA 44-45
found on 3rd frontal convolution
area 44 known as pars opercularis; coordination of speech organs for language production
area 45 known as pars triangularis; interprets language and planning/programming verbal responses
premotor cortex
BA 6
selecting and planning of motor movements
supplementary motor area located at top of BA 6 and is involved in sequencing and “turning on” motor plans
primary motor cortex
BA 4
sends motor plans developed in BA 6 to the muscles for action; “little man”
primary sensory cortex
BA 1-3
processes somatosensory information such as: vibration, proprioception, touch and stereognosis
somatosensory association cortex
BA 5-7
interprets sensory experience during motor movements; refine motor action; fine speech movements; sensory and motor experience
angular gyrus
BA 39
reading and math; understanding metaphors
supramarginal gyrus
BA 40
closely related to BA 39
involved in phonological system; stores auditory representations of phonemes
visual cortex
BA 17-19
info from eyes is received and processed
dorsal stream: BA 18, 19, 7, 39; analyzes motion and spatial relationships
ventral stream: BA 18, 19, 37; analyzes forms, colors and faces
inferior temporal area
BA 20-21
processing of auditory and language information as well as reading facial emotions
parahippocampal gyrus
BA 27, 28, 34, 35, 36
location: medial surface of temporal lobe
fusiform gyrus
BA 37
remembering and naming seen objects
temporal pole
BA 38