Britain : Parliamentary reform Flashcards
A - level
What were the Chartist demands?
Universal suffrage for all men over 21.
Secret ballot.
Annual parliaments.
Abolition of property qualification for MPs.
MP wages.
Constituencies equally sized
What was the Chartist organisation called?
The National Charter Association (NCA).
When was the NCA formed?
July 1840
How long did the NCA last?
12 years
Why did the NCA fail?
There was a lack of money as members couldn’t afford membership.
What were two opposing attitudes within chartists?
Moral force chartists
Physical force chartist
Name the big 5 protests ?
Spa Field Riots
Peterloo Massacre
Cato Street Conspiracy
March of the Blanketeers
Pentrich Rebellion
What happened at the 2nd meeting of Spa Field ?
2,000 people - 200 of which marched to the tower of London - Looting a gunshop on the way - Crowd dispersed and leaders arrested
What happened at the 2nd gathering at Peterloo ?
1819 - 60,000 people to listen to Henry Hunt who encouraged aggression - 11 killed and 500 injured by 15th Hussars
When was the Cato street conspiracy and who lead it ?
1820 - Arthur Thistlewood - planned to assassinate Lord Liverpool (PM)
Why did Cato street fail ?
Gov spy George Edwards knew the plan and had his conspirators arrested and executed
What was the march of the blanketeers ?
1817 - Lead by Benbow - Hunger march from Manchester to London to present a petition
How did the Blanketeers fail ?
Only 300/4500 set of - Stopped by Yeomanry at Stockport - 1 shot dead
Name the Six Acts
- Seditious Meetings Prevention Act
- Seizure of Arms Act
- Blasphemous and Seditious Libels Act
- Training Prevention Act
- Newspaper and Stamp duties Act
- Misdemeanours Act
What was suspended as a result of Peterloo Massacre ?
1817 - Habeas Corpus
What was the “reign of terror” ?
1793 - William Pitt wanted to crush radical activity in Britain
What happened to pubs who allowed radical meetings ?
Licenses revoked
What were the Two Acts ?
Treasonable and Seditious Practices Act
Seditious meetings Act
What was the Combinations law ?
Banned development of trade unions
What was the most popular Church & King club ?
How many branches did the APLP ?
2,000 - Largest political organisation in Britain
When was the 1st Great Reform Act passed ?
How many petitions were handed to parliament in how many months ?
3,000 + in 6 months - 1830-31
Who led the BPU with how many members ?
Thomas Attwood - Crowd of 15,000 on its first meeting
What year was the days of May ?
Why was the Days of May so significant ?
Co-ordinated protest between various political unions
How many supporters did the BPU attract during a rally in the days of May ?
What did the electorate increase to after the 1st Great Reform Act ?
650,000 (18% of male population)
How much did land have to be worth to be able to vote after the 1832 GRA ?
Worth £10 or £50 rented
What happened at the Newport risings (Chartists) ?
1839 - 1000s Marched on a Hotel - 20 killed - O’Conner and Lovett arrested
4 Factors for Chartist Failure ?
Division Among Leaders
Ambitious Demands
Strength of Opposition
Loss of Support
How many signatures did the Chartists first petition get ?
1.2 million
By how many votes was the Chartists 1st petition rejected by ?
235 votes to 46
Why did the Chartist lose many middle class members ?
Satisfied with 1832 GRA - Deterred by the proposed violence
What Act made the working class more apathetic towards reform ?
1846 Repeal of Corn Laws
When did Palmerstone die and who replaced him ?
1865 - Earl Russell
Which Tory MP pushed for the second Reform Act ?
When was the 2nd Great Reform Act ?
What 2 pressure groups pressed for more reform ?
1864 - National Reform Union, Reform league
When were the Hyde park riots ?
July 1866
How big was the electorate after 1867 GRA ?
2.5 million
What was the new price land had to be worth to vote after the 1867 GRA ?
Owners or leaseholders of land worth £5 a year
Name some failures of the 1867 GRA ?
Large areas of the Midlands remained under-represented
Property still determined the franchise in the Counties
Plural voting for those who owned property in Borough and County ( Can vote twice)