Breast Medicine 🤱🏽 Flashcards
What is Paget’s disease of the nipple?
An eczema like rash on the nipple that is associated with malignancy
What is paget’s disease of the nipple suggestive of?
An underlying ductal carcinoma in situ
What is the presentation of paget’s disease of the nipple? (3)
Eczema like rash on the nipple that is itchy, red and inflamed
Bloody nipple discharge
Burning sensation or pain in the nipple
Retraction or inversion
Palpable breast lump
Non-healing ulcers
What are the differentials of paget’s disease of the nipple? (3)
Atopic dermatitis Contact dermatitis Intraductal papilloma Mastitis Breast abscessPsoriasis
What investigations are used to diagnose paget’s disease of the nipple? (3)
Physical breast examination Mammogram Breast ultrasound Biopsy of the skin Nipple discharge cytologyMRI
What is the management of paget’s disease of the nipple? (3)
Surgery- Mastectomy - Modified radical mastectomy - LumpectomyChemotherapy Radiotherapy
What is a modified radical mastectomy?
Where the entire breast, as well as axilliary lymph node is removed
What are fibrocystic breast changes?
Fibrocystic breast changes are normal changes that cause lumpiness in the breast
What is the aetiology of fibrocystic breast changes?
The cyclical effects of hormones such as progesterone and oestrogen lead to chronic proliferative changes, and the formation of small cysts
Which women are fibrocystic breast changes common in?
Common in women aged 20 to 50
When are symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease typically worst?
Symptoms are worst in the week before menstruation
What are the differentials of fibrocystic breast changes? (3)
Fibroadenoma Breast cancerBreast cysts Mastitis/breast abscess
What are the symptoms of fibrocystic breast changes? (3)
Bilateral lumpy breastsBreast pain Symptoms that worsen in the week before menstruation
What are the investigations for fibrocystic breast changes?
Mammogram Ultrasound Biopsy
What is the management of fibrocystic breast changes? (3)
Soft and well fitting braAnalgesiaReassurance about symptoms resolving post-menopause
What is cyclical mastalgia?
Breast pain that occurs in the weeks leading up to menstruation and improves once menstruation begins
What is the difference between cyclical mastalgia and fibrocystic breast changes?
In both conditions, symptoms are worst in the weeks leading up to menstruation In cyclical mastalgia there are no nodules throughout the breast - examination is normal
What are breast cysts?
Benign, individual fluid filled lumps
When do breast cysts typically occur?
30-50 years of age
What is the most common cause of breast lumps?
Breast cysts
What are the features of breast cysts on examination? (3)
Smooth Well-circumscribedMobile Possibly fluctuant
What is fat necrosis of the breast?
A benign breast lump caused by localised degeneration and scarring of fat tissue in the breast
What is fat necrosis commonly triggered by? (3)
Trauma to the breast
What are the features of fat necrosis on examination? (3)
Painless Firm Irregular Fixed in local structures Skin dimpling or nipple inversion
What investigations are used to diagnose fat necrosis?
Ultrasound Mammogram Fine needle aspiration or core biopsy
What is a lipoma?
A benign tumour of adipose tissue
What are the features of lipoma on examination? (3)
Soft PainlessMobile Do not cause skin changes
What is mastitis?
Inflammation of the breast tissue that is typically associated with breastfeeding
What is the epidemiology of mastitis?
10-20% of breastfeeding women will experience mastitis - Incidence peaks at the second and third weeks of breastfeeding, and is most common in the first 3 months
What is the aetiology of mastitis?
It can be caused by blocked ducts, or by bacteria entering the breast tissue, often through a cracked or sore nipple
What is the most common causative organism in infective causes of mastitis?
Staphylococcus aureus
What is the presentation of mastitis? (3)
Painful, tender, red, hot breast Systemic symptoms - Fever- Malaise - Fatigue - Nausea - Headache Unilateral symptoms
What are the differential diagnoses of mastitis? (3)
Plugged duct Breast abscessInflammatory breast cancer Engorgement
What investigations are used to diagnose mastitis?
Mainly clinical diagnosis Ultrasonography used to rule out an abscessCulture of any fluid drained
What is the first line management of mastitis? (3)
Conservative management and analgesia
Warm compresses
Continuation of breastfeeding
What is the second line management of mastitis?
Oral flucloxacillin
What is a fibroadenoma?
Benign tumours of fibrous and epithelial tissue
What is the presentation of a fibroadenoma? (3)
A firm, non-tender breast massMass is rounded and has smooth edges Mass is highly mobile upon palpation Mass is not bigger than 3cm in diameter
What is the epidemiology of fibroadenoma?
Fibroadenoma is more common in younger women- Highest incidence is in early 20s
What are the differntial diagnoses of fibroadenoma? (3)
Breast cystsInvasive breast cancerFibrocystic changes Intraductal papilloma Lipoma
What investigations are used to diagnose fibroadenoma?
Ultrasound Mammogram Needle biopsy
What is the management of fibroadenoma?
Many fibroadenomas do not require treatment Surgical excision may be considered if the fibroadenoma is large, is growing, or is causing significant problems