Breast Feeding Flashcards
What does Breast feeding provide?
Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats needed for growth and cell function.
What type of immunity is BF?
How is prolactin related to breastfeeding?
It is the hormone that tells the body to make breast milk
In which part of the brain is prolactin and oxytocin released?
Pituitary gland
Sides effects on the mother from oxytocin
This hormone can make the mother sleepy, hot, and have a headache
How times a day should a mother BF?
8-12 feeds a day
What breast feeding position is more comfortable for those who have had caesarians?
Lying down on side
When should a baby be BF until?
Usually 6 months - 12 months
When should solids be introduced?
Introduce at 3 months if baby is interested, otherwise 6-12months. BUT continue to BF
What is mastitis?
Inflammation of the breast
What causes mastitis
Blocked milk duct
What can the RN encourage if the baby has poor latch?
Different BF positions, compress areola between fingers
What can the RN encourage if the mother has poor milk supply?
Be sure the mother is rested, hydrated, fed. Check lactaction
A women is experiencing breast engorgement (swelling). What can the RN encourage?
- BF frequently
- Use a warm compress before feeds, and cold compress after
Why do some mothers have a decreased milk supply?
- Stress
- Lack of confidence
- Baby not feeding well
What is the treatment of Mastitis?
Mild: Nothing
Moderate: Antibiotics (Fluclox) and analgesia
When is breast feeding contraindicated?
Taking lithium
Herpes on nipples
Use of illegal drugs
What hormones are involved in the production of breast milk?
- Prolactin
- Oxytocin