breast Flashcards
What is nomanaclature for the regions of the Breast?
Upper outer, Upper inner, lower outer, Lower inner.
What is this?
What is this?
Mastitis again
What is this ?
Matitis again fool!
Which regoin of the breast is statistically the most likely to have cancer?
upper outer → Hind milk regoin
List 3 symptoms of mastitis?
- Area of hardness and swelling in the breast
- pain
- redness
May be accompanied by→ high temperature and feel unwell, with flu-like symptoms.
List 2 risk factors associated with contracting mastitis?
• Infant feeding difficulties leading to engorgement and milk stasis
• Plugged/blocked nipple ducts
• Cracked or bleeding nipples in which the normal skin barrier is eroded
• Nipple and breast pain during feeding
•History of previous mastitis
•Recent changes to infant feeding patterns (e.g., introduction of a pacifier or bottle feeding)
Name 1 complication of Mastitis?
Breast abscess
What is this?
Peau d’orange
What is this?
Inflamatory breat cancer with peau d’orange
What causes peau d’orange?
cutaneous lymphatic edema
What kind of breast cancer is associated with peau d’orange?
• Inflamatory breast cancer
• Can be confused with mastitis
• High level of suspicion in woman presenting with red heavy warm breast without risk factors for mastitis
• Will not settle with antibiotics
• Advanced disease, likely metastatic, poor prognosis
What is this?
Nipple inversion
What is this?
Nipple discharge
What is this?
- Pagets disease of the nipple
- a malignant condition that outwardly may have the appearance of eczema, with skin changes involving the nipple of the breast but is actually indicative of underlying breast cancer