Branching of Abdominal Aorta & Origins of Vena Cava & Azygous Veins Flashcards
where does the abdominal aorta run
follows roof of abdomen with caudal vena cava to the right
what are the categories of branches of the abdominal aorta
visceral (unpaired and paired) and parietal branches
where does the abdominal aorta terminate and how does it continue
below last lumbar vertebrae
continues as median sacral artery (tail) 4

what are the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta

- celiac artery: stomach, pancreas, spleen (foregut)
- cranial mesenteric artery: jejenum, ascending colon (midgut)
- renal arteries
- testicular or ovarian arteries (kidneys)
- caudal mesenteric artery (descending colon, hindgut)

what are the parietal branches of the abdominal aorta
- phrenico-abdominal trunk –> caudal phrenic aa and cranial abdominal aa
- 7 paired lumbar aa
- deep circumflex iliac aa
- external iliac aa
- internal iliac aa

identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and whether they are parietal or visceral and what they supply

what does the external iliac aa give rise to
femoral aa (hindlimbs)
deep femoral aa (adductor muscles of thigh)
pudendoepigastric trunk (ventral lateral abdominal wall and groin)
what does the internal iliac aa give rise to
caudal gluteal aa (muscles assocaited lumbosacral region)
internal pudendal aa (pelvic viscera)
what does the deep circumflex iliac aa supply
caudal abdominal, flank and cranial thigh
how does the cranial vena cava form in dogs, cat, pig
just before the thoracic inlet (cranial boundary of thoracic cavity)

how does the cranial vena cava form in ruminants and horses

how do the external jugular veins form
the maxillary vein and the lingofacial vein unite at the angle of the jaw to form the external jugular veins

what is the venous drainage of the forelimb, neck and shoulders (cranial aspect)

what are other veins of that drain to the external jugular and subclavian veins

how is the azygous vein formed
union of the first few lumbar veins
where does the azygous vein pass through the diaphragm
aortic hiatus
what does the azygous vein drain
intercostal veins (except most cranial) and venous plexus within vertebral canal
what does the azygous vein unite with
cranial vena cava in the dog
or empties independently into right atrium in horse
what occurs if the left azygous vein persists
in the fetus the left azygous vein drops out and in dogs, horses only the right persists
if it persists it empties into right atrium via coronary sinus in the pig and ruminant
how does the left azygous vein drain in the bovine
travelling on left side
joining coronary groove –> right atrium via coronary sinus

how does the caudal vena cava originate
internal iliac vein, external iliac vein, deep circumflex iliac vein, ovarian/testicular vein, renal vein

name the veins that contribute to venous return of caudal vena cava
r. external iliac vein
r. internal iliac vein
r. deep circumflex iliac vein
r. ovarian/testicular vein
r. renal vein
hepatic vein
hepatic portal vein
r. azygous vein
r. internal thoracic vein