brake book questions Flashcards
In what year were x-rays discovered?
In what year were some of the biologically damaging effects of x-rays discovered?
X-rays were discovered in experiments dealing with electricity and
vacuum tubes
X-rays were discovered when they caused a barium platinocyanide-coated plate to
X-radiation is part of which spectrum?
X-rays have a dual nature, which means that they behave like both
waves and particles
The wavelength and frequency of x-rays are related
X-rays have what electrical charge
X-rays have what mass?
no mass
the x-ray beam used in diagnostic radiography can be described as being
Which x-ray tube Component serves as a source of electrons for x-ray production?
Electrons interact with the _______to produce x-rays and heat.
The cloud of electrons that form before x-ray production is referred to as
space charge
the burning or boiling off of electrons at the cathode is referred to as
thermionic emission
Which primary exposure factor influences both the quantity and the quality of x-ray photons?
The unit used to express tube current is
What percentage of the kinetic energy is converted to heat when moving electrons strike the anode target?
The intensity of the x-ray beam is greater on the
cathode side of the tube
According to the line focus principle, as the target angle decreases, the
effective focal spot size decreases
__________ extends x-rays tube life
Warming up the tube after 2 hours of nouse
Which type of target interaction is responsible for most of the x-rays in the diagnostic beam?
Bremsstrahlung interaction
How much mAs is produced when the radiographer sets 70kVp, 600mA, and 50ms?
Increasing the kVp results in
x-rays with higher energy
more x-rays
Total filtration in the x-ray beam includes
inherent filtration
added filtration
The process whereby the radiographic image is created by variations in absorption and transmission of the exiting x-ray beam is known as
differential absorption
Which of the following process occur during the x-ray beam interaction with tissue?
photon transmission
The ability of an x-ray photon to remove an atom’s electron is a characteristic known as
The x-ray interaction responsible for absorption is
The x-ray interaction responsible for scattering is
Remnant radiation is composed of which of the following?
transmitted radiation
scattered radiation
What interaction creates unwanted exposure to the image, known as fog?
Which of the following factors would affect beam attenuation
tissue atomic number
beam quality
The low-density or high brightness areas on a radiographic image are created by
absorbed radiation
An anatomic part that transmits the incoming x-ray photon would create an area of _________ on the radiographic image
high density or low brightness
The process of creating a radiographic image by differential absorption varies for film-screen and digital imaging (true/false)
An attribute of a radiographic image that affects the visibility
contrast and density
A radiographic film image with many densities but little differences among them is said to have
low contrast
Which of the following would improve digital image quality?
large matrix and increased pixel density