BrainBowl Round Notes 2 Flashcards
The oldman and the sea
Great Expectations
Gregor Samsa
The Metamorphosis
Wuthering Heights
No Exit
Jean Paul-Satre (often at odds with Camus)
Who does queen Gloriana from the The Faire Queen represent?
Elizabeth I
Civil Dispbedience
The member of the Wedding
Carson McCullers
The Cherry Orchard
Anton Chekhov
Robert Bolt
A Man for All Seasons
Ode one the Confederate Dead
Allen Tate
Ode on Intimations of Immortality
William Wordsworth (also known as Great Ode)
What are the 3 types of middle age plays?
Mystery, Mirical, and Morality
What is Uncle Tom’s Cabin also known as?
Life Among the Lowly
Movum Organum
Francis Bacon (treatise on logic and Syllogism) written in latin in 1620
What king was affected the the magna carta and in what year?
John , 1630
What is asyndeton
the omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence.
What is polysyndeton
use of several conjunctions in close succession
Who was the first burbon King
Henry IV (French)
Concord Hymn
Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is a FOIL
lieterary term for a character who contrasts with another character in order to highlight particular qualities of the first character
A Death in the Family
James Agee
A Day Of Pleasure: Stories of a Boy Growing Up in Warsaw
Isaac Bashevis Singer
A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Who was King at the Battle of Hastings
Harold II (Ended Danish rule)
Which king restored the rile of the House of Wessex after a period of Danish rule and died in 1066?
Edward the Confessor
Who was made Poet Laurate in 1668?
John Dryden
What is Blank Verse?
Unrhymed Iambic Pentameter
Which three people wrote the Federalist Papers?
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay
Who was the last Sapa Inca of the Inca Empire before Spanish Conquest?
Who is an example of an American Abstract Expressionist?
Jackson Polic
Who made the first translation of the Bible into Latin?
What was the first translation of the Bible into Latin called?
The Vulgate
The Curious Case of Bejamin Button
F Scott Fitzgerald
Tender is the Night
F Scott Fitzgerald
Doric Columns
Ionic Columns
Volutes (curly things)
Corithian Columns
Acanthus (leaves)
Cal, Aron, Adam Trask
East of Eden
Ugly Duckling
Hans Christan Andersen
Pearl S Buck
The Good Earth
Moby Dick - Melville
ThronField Hall
Wuthering Heights - Bronte
West Egg
Gatsby - Fitzgerald
Airstrip One
1984 - Orwell
When did Shakespeare died?
Religious Pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales?
Friar, and Prioress
Who was the last of the Conspirators to Stab Caesar?
What are some allegories?
Paradise Lost, Everyman, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Beowulf
On the Social Contract
Samuel Richardson
The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck
Who said “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
Who is the descendent of Cain?
What qoute is “A book is a loaded gun” from?
Farenheit 451
In the play Julius Caesar where were Brutus and Cassius defeated?
at the battle of Philippi
Francis Harry Compton Crick
British, James Watson, maurice Wilkins, (+ Rosalind Franklin) him and the people not in parenthesis shared nobel prize in 1962
Sir Alexander Flemin
Penicillin and 1945 noble proze
Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalysis and ego, superego, and id
Edward Jenner
Small pox vaccine
Carl Gustav Jung
analytic psychology
Louis pasteur
herm theory, rabies vaccine, and founder of microbiology
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
Condition Reflex
Jonas Edward Salk
polio vaccine
James Dewey Watson
Structure of DNA and nobel prize
Maurice Wilkines (hugh frederick)
structure of DNA and nobel prize
What are the 6 simpl machines?
screw, wheel/axel, wedge, lever, inclined plane, and pulley
Indivisble Particle atomic model
Dalton 1803
“plum pidding” atomic model
Early atom 1897
positively charggd nucleas surrounded by mostly empty space atomic model
rutherford 1909
Electrons in energy levels atomic model
Bohr 1913
Charge-cloud atomic model
Many reseachers 1950’s
whar is the ratio of velocity change
index of refraction
what do soundwaves need
some type of matter as a carrier
Ohm’s Law
V = I X R (voltage = current X resistance)
f * d * cos(theta)
1/2 * m * v^2
1/2 * k* x^2
F * d (* sin(theta) if the force is not perpindicular)
netwons 1st law
Equilibrium/ inertia
newtons 2nd law
f= ma
newtons 3rd law
equal and opposite reactions
Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe
Thomas Hardy
Return of the Native
Life of Samuel Johnson
History of Tom Jones, a foundling
Rape of the Lock
common sense
Crime and Punishment
Pilgrims Progress
Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson
Sound and the Fury
Ethan Frome
Edith Warton
“Here once the embattled farmers stood/ fired the shot herd round the world”
concord hymn by emerson
What is the shrine that the pilgrims traveled to in Canterbury Tales?
Saint Thomas a Becket
What is King arthur’s eternal resting place?
What does DNS stand for?
Domain Naming System
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Jonathan Edwards
Literary technique used by Jonathan Swift
The Jungle
upton sinclair