BB Lit up to present Flashcards
Antoine de Saint Exupery
The Little Prince 1900-1944
Margaret Mitchell
Gone with the Wind 1900-1949
Langston Hughes
Dream Deferred 1902-67
John Steinbeck
Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, and East of Eden 1902-68
George Orwell
(Eric Arthur Blair) Animal Farm and 1984 1903-50
Eudora Welty
A Worn Path 1909-
William Golding
The Lord of the Filies 1911-
Albert Camus
French The Stranger 1913-60
Dylan M. Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night 1914-53
Ralph Ellison
The Invisible Man 1914-
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Russian The Gulag Archipelago 1918-
Shirley Jackson
The Lottery 1919-65
J. D. Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye 1919-
Jack Kerouac
On the Road (starts the Beat Movement) 1922-69
Kurt Vonnegut
Cat’s Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five 1922-
Joseph Heller
Catch-22 1923-
James A. Baldwin
Go Tell It on the Mountain 1924-87
Allen Ginsberg
American poet (Beat Movement) 1926-
Maya Angelou
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Phenomial Women 1928-
Gabril garcia Marquez
Colombian One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera 1928-
Chinua Achebe
Nigerian Things Fall Apart 1930-
Toni Morrison
Beloved 1931-
Sylvia Plath
The Bell Jar 1932-63
John Updike
Rabbit Run, Rabbit Redux, and Rabbit is Rich (“Rabbit” titles) 1932-
Ken Kessey
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 1935-
Margaret Atwood
The Handmaid’s Tale 1939-
Alice Walker
The Color Purple 1944-
Salman Rushdie
The Satanic Verses 1947-