BB Lit up to 1800 Flashcards
Illiad and Odyssey 800 bc
History of the Persian Wars 484-420 b c
History of the Peloponnessian War 470-404 bc
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Philippics (against Marc Antony) 106-43 bc
Julius Caesar
commentaries on the Gallic War 100-44 bc
Aeneid 70-19 bc
Metamorphosis 43bc -17
Parallel Lives 46-120
Marcus Aurelius
Meditations 121-180
St. Augustine of Hippo
Confessions and City of God 315-430
Dante Aligheri
The Divine Comedy 1265-1321
sonnets 1304-74
Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales 1343-1400
Sir Thomas Malory
Le Morte D’Arthur 1408-71
Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince 1469-1527
Sir Thomas More
Utopia 1478-1535
Miguel de Saavedra Cervantes
Don Quixote 1547-1616
Edmund Spenser
The Faerie Queene 1552 -99
Robert Herrick
To the Virgins, to mkake Much of Time 1591-1674
John Milton
Paradise Lost 1608-1674
Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet
Early American poet 1612-72
John Bunyan
Pilgrams progress 1628-1688
Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe 1660-1703
Jonathan Swift
Gulliver’s Travels (A modest proposal) 1667-1745
Alexander Pope
The Rape of the Lock
(Franoic Marie Arouet) Candide 1694-1778
Jonathan Edwards
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 1703-58
Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard’s Almanack 1706-90
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Social Contract 1712-78
Thomas Paine
Common Sense 1737-1809
James Boswell
Robert Burns
A Red, Red Rose, To a Mouse, and Auld Lang Syne 1759-96